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Year 2 - Mallard Class 2018 - 2019

Chinese New Year

To celebrate Chinese New year, Mallard spent the day looking at China and learning lots about its culture. In the morning we made Chinese hats and practised Chinese Calligraphy. We also made Chinese fortune sticks and had a go at reading our fortunes. In the afternoon, we painted cherry blossom trees and got to try some different Chinese food using chop sticks. What a great day!


More fun in the snow - 1st February 2019

Fun in the snow. Making different shapes.

Dogs Trust visit


On Monday 21st January we had a visit from Emily at Dogs Trust. Dogs Trust is a charity which looks after dogs who might not have owners. They make sure they are healthy and find them new homes. Emily brought her very special friend Baxter with her. She talked to us about how we should look after dogs. We learnt about brushing their coats, feeding them and why it is important to take them to the vets. She talked to us about keeping safe around dogs and why we need to ask the owners permission if we want to stroke their dog. Emily and Baxter visited each class and the nursery.




In music this term we have been looking at pitch. We have used our bodies and our voices to talk about what pitch is and how it changes. We even got to use multilink to model how pitch can change in a piece of music.


Father Christmas


This week we had a very special visit. Father Christmas came to Mallard class! He wished us all a very Merry Christmas and even gave us some gifts. He gave us some new Lego and a book called The Jolly Postman by Allan Ahlberg. Thanks Father Christmas.

Nativity 2018

Christmas Oranges
The children have been busy making beautiful smelling Christmas oranges.
Christmas Biscuit Making
Mallard class parents were invited in to school to do some baking with the children. The Children had great fun making biscuits for the Christmas fair.
Fleet Air Arm Museum 

On the 30th November, Mallard class went to the Fleet Air Arm Museum in Yeovilton. As part of our Remembrance topic, we looked at and learnt about lots of planes used in the different wars. We saw lots of different types of helicopters and planes and even got to 

dress up!

Hoop Ball Tournament
On the 23rd of November Mallard Class took part in an Inter School Hoop Ball tournament against a year 2 class from Preston Primary School. We had a great afternoon playing lots of games and working together as a team. It was great representing the school and working together.