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Archive Reception - Minnow Class 2019/2020

Miss Jackson's Weekly Challenge - Week 5 

Please click on the link below to view this weeks challenge.

Miss Jackson's Weekly Challenge - Week 4 

Please click on the link below to view this weeks challenge.

Minnow Class working from home

This half term Minnow Class have been super busy learning at home. They have been writing stories and tricky words, building rockets, following treasure maps, addition and subtraction with objects and number lines, creating patterns, doing science experiments, researching space, building boats and playing memory games.

VE Day

It was lovely to see all of you celebrating VE Day. There was lots of great flags and bunting and lots of yummy picnics.

Miss Jackson's Weekly Challenge Week 3 - VE Day. 

Please click on the link below to view this weeks challenge.


It's great to see that the children in Minnow Class had a wonderful Easter. They have done lots of exciting things including baking, scooter riding, crafts, playing games and going on Easter Egg hunts.

Week 2 - Weekly challenge 

Please click on the link below to view the video.

Summer Term - Week 1

Storytime with Miss Jackson - Zog

Please click on the link below to play the video. Thank you.

Minnow class working at home

Miss Jackson is really enjoying seeing all the lovely work her class are doing at home. Keep up the good work!

World Book Day

We had a wonderful time on World Book Day. Everyone looked fantastic in their costumes and loved sharing their favourite stories with the rest of the class. In the afternoon we made bookmarks and went to the library with Mrs Francis to read our books to each other. 

Chinese New Year

To celebrate Chinese New Year we had our own Chinese Dragon Parade. We made our own dragon and paraded down the corridor to show all of the other children and teachers. We made lots of music and danced with our masks and had a wonderful time. 



We really enjoyed having Bugfest come to visit us. Nick brought in lots of interesting creepy crawlies for us to have a look at and some of us were really brave and even had a hold. 

Christmas lunch

We really enjoyed our school Christmas lunch that we ate with Miss Jackson. We had crackers, hats and music and had a really festive time.

Magic Show

We were lucky enough to have a magician come into school to give us a magic show. We really enjoyed ourselves and had lots of fun cheering, laughing and singing. 


Panto Trip

We loved going to the pantomime. We all behaved beautifully whilst out and had a fantastic time joining in with the singing and dancing. We did lots of cheering for the good guys and even booed the baddies!

Helicopter visit

Santa's Elves came to visit us at school in a helicopter. The helicopter landed on the field and them came and collected the letters that we had written to Santa telling him what we wanted for Christmas. They came and said a quick hello before they had to jet back off to the North Pole.


Decorating the Christmas Tree

We are really looking forward to Christmas in Minnow Class and our celebrations started when we helped to decorate the big Christmas Tree in the reception area of the school. 

Postman Visit

Thank you very much to Mr Pitman the postman who came in to visit us. He talked to us all about what he does and he brought his Christmas helper, Jess the Cat, in to meet us. He even let us have a go at sorting out his Christmas post. 

Forest School

Thank you to all of you who came and took part in our forest school session. The children had a lovely time exploring their outdoor environment and taking part in lots of different activities that utilized the natural objects that can always be found outside. 

Space Day 

The children all looked fantastic on space day. We had a wonderful day which started with a trip to the science dome where we learned all about light and dark and the different planets. We then spend the rest of the day doing art. We made alien spaceships in the classroom and we enjoyed painting leaves and making a lion with Mr Plumbley. 

Alpaca visit

The children really enjoyed spending time with the visiting alpacas today. They learnt all about what they like to eat and even had a go at feeding them. The children also enjoyed giving one of the alpacas a little stroke. 

Harvest Celebration

Thank you to all of the parents and carers that attended our Harvest celebration. I'm sure you will all agree with me when I say the children sung beautifully and had a lovely time taking part in all of the art and craft activities with yourselves. 

Settling in to our New School

Minnow Class have had a lovely first few weeks at school. We've spent lots of time settling in and getting to know our new environment and the people around us. We love to play with our new friends and have enjoyed role playing outside, playing games and exploring the construction, sand and water. We have also enjoyed using the interactive white board to support our learning and are getting very good at using it. We’ve also been taking part in PE with Mr Bourne and music with Mrs Boniface and these are some of our favourite parts of the week.