Dragonfly Class is taught by Mrs Kerrigan and is supported by Miss Guinea and Miss Read. Other adults who work in the class are Mr Frisby (teaching music on a Wednesday) and Mr Bourne (teaching PE on a Monday).
Below you will find a gallery of all the exciting learning activities that have taken place in Dragonfly class this year.
Sports Day
We had so much fun with our annual Sports Day this morning, and our Olympic Events this afternoon. We were so lucky with the weather and the children were amazing. They all showed great sportmanship and happily encouraged each other on. Well done to Lynx for winning overall all, but actually they were all winners today!
Bug Hunt
In Science our topic is about animals, and specifically this week, bugs and insects! So the children had great fun hunting our school field today for lots of creepy crawlies!
Making Sandwiches
As part of our DT topic this half term, the children are learning to design and make healthy food. They designed their own sandwiches last week and today they made them. They were all very happy with their creations!
Remembering D-Day
As a school, we spent the day remembering the sacrifices the men and women made 80 years ago today. We were able to look at artefacts from WW2 and we had discussions about what life would have been like then. The children then answered some questions about D-Day to enhance their understanding.
Pete the Poet
Every year we look forward to our visit from Pete the Poet!
The class enjoyed listening to Pete's interactive stories and acting them out in fancy-dress! We also got to play with hand puppets and learn some rythmical poems. It was a fun afternoon!
Planting Bulbs
As part of our Outdoor Learning sessions, Mrs Huggins wanted Dragonfly to help her plant some bulbs at the front of the school. She explained where she wanted them and then each child got to plant one in the ground. We are looking forward to seeing them when they start to grow!
International Day of Dance
To celebrate the International Day of Dance all the children took part in a dance workshop with Kerri Hill. She taught Dragonfly Class how dance Bollywood style! They really enjoyed learning the different dance moves and Kerri was very impressed!
Life Long Ago Workshop
It was so much fun hunting for dinosaur fossils and bones last Friday. The children learned about the different dinosaurs and which ones were Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores. They then used brushes to hunt for fossils in the boxes. After that, the met two baby dinosaurs ( a T-Rex and a Tricerotop). They were very well behaved for baby dinosaurs and didn't try and nibble the chidlren's fingers. Some children even managed to give the dinosaurs a kiss!
Cricket Engagement Session
Today the class had the opportunity to experience playing cricket.
Shaun from a Chance to Shine (Cricket) worked with the children and they practised their ball skills. They then all had a chance to bat, and field. It was great fun!
Outdoor Learning - Designing and Planting
Mrs Huggins explained to the class that they would be helping to design a new garden for the school. She asked them to consider what different areas they would like to have and then draw them on a planning sheet. Then they helped her plant some seeds for the new garden.
Space Dome
It was great fun having the Space Dome at the end of term. The children were shown how amazing our solar system is and they learned about the different planets. They were also shown what it would be like on the moon, and saw footage of the moon landing.
Kingston Maurward Trip
We had a lovely day at Kingston Maurward last week, which related to our Science topic on animals. The children enjoyed feeding the guinea pigs and rabbits using long fishing rods, and also visiting all the other animals in the park. We had a look around their lovely gardens and tried to avoid all the puddles! After that, Sarah took us to the lambing sheds and we got to see some gorgeous lambs that were only hours old. They were so cute. Finally, we were taken to see the calves, and the children thought it was so funny that they were trying to lick their hands! It was a great day!
Computing Day
We had a fantastic Computing Day organised by Miss Hegarty. The children explored various different aspects of computing and technology. They used the Beebots to program simple algorithms, they studied some old technology brought in by many members of staff, and they also completed some online research about Victorians with the Year 5 children.
World Book Day
Dragonfly Class had great fun celebrating their love of reading on World Book Day and they all looked amazing in their costumes! The children created lands at the top of the Faraway Tree, completed a book review on the Highway Rat and shared books with some of the parents during Rock up and Read. It was a super day!
Carp Kites
In DT this half term, the children are learning about different types of kites. This week they learned about Carp Kites from Japan and they had a go at making their own. They had great fun flying them in the playground!
Art Lesson
This half term the topic in Art is printing, and the children practised some of their printing skills using different objects and paint. They made some lovely patterns with shapes and colour.
School Disco
Lots of the children had fun at the PTA Valentine's Disco. They enjoyed showing me some of their disco moves and playing with the glow-sticks!
Outdoor Learning 3
This week in outdoor leaning the children were introduced to the artist Andy Goldworthy. Mrs Huggins showed the children some examples of Goldworthy's artwork and explained that he used items from nature to make his designs. The children then went hunting on the school field for their natural items and then created some amazing pieces of art!
Guide Dog Visit
The school were very lucky to have a visit from Iris this week with her latest guide dog puppy. She is training Cory, who is 13 months old, to become a guide dog and she spoke to the children about what that involves. She also brought with her Kim, who is a retired guide dog, who now lives with Iris and occasionally works as a trained therapy dog. They were absolutely beautiful and so well behaved. The children loved seeing them.
Colour Mixing
As part of their Art topic on painting, the children experimented today with colour mixing. They used a base colour (red) and then added various amounts of white and black to create diffferent shades.
Outdoor Learning 2
This week Mrs Huggins helped the children light some small flint fires, and they also decorated some rocks with inspirational messages. These rocks are then going to be placed around the school for other Kingfisher children to find, and hopefuly enjoy the messages.
Life Education
Helen from the Life Education Team came to speak to the children about their feelings. She talked about how we can mange these and how we can look after ourselves. The children enjoyed seeing Harold the giraffe again too!
Outdoor Learning
This week in outdoor learning Mrs Huggins read the children a Percy the Parkkeeper story called One Snowy Night. She talked about animal homes and then asked the children to use some natural resources around such as, sticks, moss and fir tree to make a cosy home for an animal. The children worked really well in teams and made some super animal homes.
Painting Skills
As part of our Art topic this term, the children are learning different painting skills. Today the children experimented with different size paint brushes.
Christmas Lunch
We all enjoyed the delicious Christmas lunch provided by Charlene, Julie and Liza. It was fun pulling our crackers, telling jokes and singing along to the Christmas music!
Santa's Helicopter
We had such a lovely suprise this week when Santa's helicopter landed on our school field. The 'elves' then came and spoke to all the children and took their letters away for Santa. It was quite a sight!
The Pantomime at Westlands
It was such fun at the Cinderella pantomime this week. The children thoroughly enjoyed watching the show and shouting as loud as they could!