Hedgehog Class is taught by Mr Green with Miss Darch as the Learning Support Assistant. Other staff members working with the class include Mr Frisby for Music on a Wednesday and Mr Bourne for PE on a Friday.
Updates throughout the year can be found on both this Class Page and on our School Twitter page.
Stone Age trip to Taunton
The round the year off, and as part of our History topic on The Stone Age, we had a fantastic trip to The Somerset Museum in Taunton. We had fun in the workshops making our own necklaces and creating some cave art. In the afternoon, after some lunch, we had the whole museum to ourselves and got to explore some of the other amazing exhibits.
Kitty Whittington
This term, we have been working really hard on the Year 4 performance of Kitty Whittington. The children have been working hard to learn their lines and I have never been prouder of them. They overcame their fears and put on a great show to parents and the rest of the school. Well done class!
DT Bank Robbery!
This term, as part of our DT and science, the children have been busy designing their own switches. The switches have been designed to work like pressure sensors and have been completely of the children's own design. The children went through the normal design process of research and selecting a design that they felt would suit them. The children were given a design brief and had to come up with their own success criteria for a successful pressure switch. The pressure sensor would be located inside a bank which the children created using their DT skills and a variety of different materials. The results were fantastic. Once the banks were complete, the children installed their pressure switches and began the calibration process. This turned out to be one of the trickiest challenges of the whole project. It was great to see some of the creative ways that the children began to calibrate their pressure switches.
The Coronation
To mark the Coronation of Charles III, Hedgehog class took part in lots of different games on the playground after a morning of exciting activities. We made collages in class and then had great fun with some traditional games. A big thanks to the PTA and Miss Jackson for helpings to organise.
The Great Bridge Build
Today was the day of the Great Bridge Build. The children have been researching, designing and planning their bridges. Today was the day to build and test them to their very limits. I was so impressed with how the children made their resources stretch further and used the properties of the materials to their advantage. Great thinking outside the box!
Pete the Poet
This week, we had a visit from Pete the Poet. He talked to us about the importance of equality and diversity and we told him all about our values here at Kingfisher. He told us stories from around the world and we went on a magical journey with his magic carpet. It was great fun and the children loved it.
Making Bridges
The class were challenged with designing and building a bridge using a set amount of materials. They completed the research, planned their designs and got into teams. It was great to see them discuss which design would be chosen along with the different ways that they would 'Think outside the box' to meet the design brief. Results to be posted soon on a winner!
Drawing Daffodils
The children used their sketching skills to create some simply outstanding drawings of Daffodils this week. They were so proud of them, we decided to put them on our Mother's Day cards.
Maths Puzzles
Today, the children thought about practical problems and looked at the ways in which we could solve them. We talked about some of the qualities we would need to approach such problems such as patience, resilience as well as a logical, methodical approach. We also talked about the idea that it is ok to not know the answer to a problem but that we can persevere to solve it. It was great fun and a little frustrating for some.
Data Handling
This week, we have been looking at collecting data and recording it. We used a great app on the iPads to record the noise level in our class at different times of the day. We then plotted this on a line graph to see when it was quietest. The children had great fun.
Safer Internet day
This year, the children have been working hard on thinking about Online Safety. We talked a lot about the fact that the way we use the Internet is changing and continues to change. This year, we talked about Stranger danger and discussed the fact that people online are strangers. We had great fun creating comics to illustrate this point and help guide their characters into making the right choices.
Day of the Dead Masks
The term, we have been looking at Mexico and the work of Frida Kahlo. We decided to merge the two and had great fun creating some Day of the Dead Masks in the with the floral inspiration from Frida's work. The children worked really hard and loved using the acrylic paints. The results spoke for themselves! Very proud.
Mexican Feast
As part of our Geography topic, and in linking to DT, the children have been looking at the food of Mexico. The children got very excited by the food of Mexico and decided that it would be great to cook their own Mexican feast. They researched the recipes and the ingredients that would be needed. We talked about how the ingredients were similar to foods we have here but the flavours a little stronger. Once the children had decided what food they would like to cook, they then had to use skills acquired in the previous food sessions such as peeling, chopping, weighing and using appliances. Hygiene was also talked about as we would all be preparing and eating the food. They worked in small groups to create some amazing salsa, some brilliant burritos, and some cheesy nachos with bacon on top. The food was fantastic and the children worked really hard.
Making Christmas Books
Over the last week of the Autumn term, as part of our DT unit, the children have been busy learning about mechanisms and becoming publishers. They worked hard to write, illustrate and build their moving Christmas books and the results were amazing. It is always a joy to see the children proud of their work.
Trip to Glastonbury Abbey
On the 24th of November, we were lucky enough to have a school trip to Glastonbury Abbey. The weather was a bit hit and miss but we dodged the rain. The Abbey was an amazing place that had a lot of history, even before the Tudors!. It was fascinating to hear how Henry VII visited and how his son, Henry VIII dissolved the Monastery when he created The Church of England.
Fantastic writing
We have been learning all about recounts. To start things off in Year 4, we wrote about some amazingly acrobatic giraffes and their diving antics. The children produced some outstanding writing and we made a lovely display outside the classroom.
Learning about Hinduism
This term, as part of our RE, we have been learning about Hinduism. We have been learning of the structure, festivals and the traditions that go with it. Linking in with our art, we used clay to create some of our very own Diwali lamps.