Dragonfly Class is taught by Mrs Kerrigan and is supported by Miss Guinea. Other adults who work in the class are Mr Frisby (teaching music on a Wednesday) and Mr Bourne (teaching PE on a Monday).
Below you will find a gallery of all the exciting learning activities that have taken place in Dragonfly class this year.
Outdoor Learning - Kingfisher Rocks!
As a class we talked about how sometimes we may feel a bit sad or low and what we can do about it. We then had a discussion about positive words and phrases, and the children wrote these on rocks to place around the school grounds. The children did a fantastic job and we hope other children enjoy their handywork and feel brightened by their positivity.
Outdoor Learning - Animal Homes
In Outdoor Leaning this week, the children enjoyed hearing the story 'One Snowy Night' by Nick Butterworth. They then went out into our Kingfisher garden to make some homes for some wild animals. They considered what would make a good shelter, including having a roof and an entrance, and also having a nice cosy base for them to sleep on. The children used fir tree branches, leaves, twigs and moss to create their homes and as you can see, they were very proud of them!
Rock up and Read - January
It was lovely to see so many parents/grandparents in our Rock up and Read session this week. The children love sharing books and discussing their favourite stories.
Dental Nurse Visit
This week Dragonfly class had a visit from a Dental Nurse. She came to talk to them about her job, and she brought in things to show the children. She discussed what food/drink was good and bad for our teeth, and she demonstrated how to clean them properly. The children were even given a goody bag to take home!
Christingle Making
Rev. Sarah came in to school to help the children make Christingles this week. She told them what each part of the Christingle represented, and they all took them to our special Christingle assembly. Some of the candles were lit and it looked beautiful.
Christmas Jumper Day
The children looked amazing in their Christmas jumpers and it made us all feel very festive!
History of Toys Workshop
As part of our history topic on Toys, we had Natasha come and visit us from the Heritage Centre with lots of old toys for the children to see.
She showed them old dolls, teddys and other toys from the Victorian era and the children were even allowed to dress up and play with them!
They had lots of fun playing with other toys from different decades and they even got to make a thaurmotrope.
Clay Leaf Bowls
The children really enjoyed using Autumnal leaves in Outdoor Learning to create some beautiful clay bowls. They used the leaves to make an imprint on the clay and then cut these out and shaped them. They were very proud of their creations.
In Science this half term, the children have been learning about seasonal changes to the weather. This week we have been looking at wind, and the children created their own wind socks to use in the playground!
Salt Dough Hedgehogs
In Outdoor Learning the children used sticks to create their own salt-dough hedgehogs. These were very cute and it linked in nicely with our topic on hedgehogs for that week.
The Gunpowder Plot
It was interesting for the children to learn about Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot this week. They learnt the story and then retold it through role-play!
Outdoor Learning
Our first session in Outdoor Learning was learning about leaves. The children found out that leaves change colour in Autumn due to the reduction of chlorophyll being produced. They then went on a leaf hunt around our gardens to find different coloured leaves for our chart.
To celebreate Diwali, all the chidlren participated in a Diwali workshop. They were taught the story with Tamsin and then they acted it out. The children learnt why it is called the Festival of Lights and how it it celebrated.
Aaranika came dressed in a beautiful outfit to celebrate Diwali and she brought all the children sweets too.
Sandwich Making
The class have been reading The Disgusting Sandwich this week, and have been completing various pieces of work about it. So, we thought it would be fun to make our own sandwiches but wthout the 'disgusting' fillings! The children could chose either jam, cheese or ham.
World Mental Health Day
On Thursday we raised awareness of World Mental Health Day by dressing in yellow, and discussing strategies to help look after ourselves.
Careers Day
To launch our Careers at Kingfisher, we had a fun day discussing and learning about different career options. The children enjoyed coming dressed up using the theme,'when I grow up I want to be...' We had so many amazing costumes, and it was great to see and discuss with them, what career aspirations these young children have now. Dragonfly Class spent the morning being Advertisers (promoting Kingfisher School) and Market Researchers (investigating what favourite crisp, chocolate bar and cereal names the class perferred). During the afternoon, we had different careers for the children to role-play, including Police, Vets, Teachers, Builders, Nurses/Doctors and Shop Keepers.
Making Bread
All the children had fun making bread rolls this week using their own designs. They made the dough and then used different shapes and flavours to create their individual rolls.
Languages Day
We had great fun on Languages Day learning all about France. The children had booklets to complete where they learned how to count up to 12 in French and also what different colours where in French too. They tasted different French food including, crepes, baguette, brie and madeleine cakes. They sang French songs, learned some basic french phrases and made collages of the French flag. It was 'tres bien!'
Vegetable Portraits
Our Art topic at the moment is drawing portraits. Over the last few weeks the children have been learning about different styles of portrait, and have learned about an artist from 500 years ago called Arcimboldo. This artist used fruit, vegetables and flowers to create some very unusual portraits and the children recreated his style and made their own portraits out of vegetables!
Chalk Portraits
This week the class created their own portraits using chalk on the playground. They tried to include more details into the pictures, including eye lashes, eye brows and ears!
Bread Tasting
In DT our topic is Where does food come from? We are specifically looking at bread, and this week the children were able to evaluate different types of bread by tasting them! The overall winner was Naan Bread!