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Y2 - Mallards

World Mental Health Day 🌎💛

Today, it was World Mental Health Day and in recognition of this everyone came in dressed in yellow! You all looked fantastic! 

Careers Day 🕵️👨‍💼👩‍💼👩🏼‍⚕️👨‍⚕️👮👷👷‍♀️

Today the children had a fantastic time for Careers Day. Everyone came into school dressed up in clothes related to the career they wish to pursue when they get older. It was fantastic to see such a range of careers! As part of the day, the children engaged in a whole range of activities related to jobs in the future. In Maths, the children took part in a carousel of activities including measuring liquid using syringes, construction tasks and design using symmetry. 

Testing our Moving Vehicles 🚗 

As part of our DT project, the children were tasked with designing and making their own moving vehicles. The children worked hard to follow the design criteria ensuring their vehicle had at least 4 wheels, and had a wheel and chassis mechanism. The children throughly enjoyed testing their vehicles using the ramp after they built their cars to check that their mechanisms functioned effectively. 

Why are some objects made from different materials?

In Science today, we carried out an investigation to find out how effective different gloves were for different purposes. We tested the flexibility, strength, warmth and water-resistance of cleaning gloves, football gloves, gardening gloves and woolly gloves. We concluded that the different gloves were best for different purposes depending on what they were made from, 

Making Challah Bread

Our topic this term in RE is Judaism. Today, we learnt all about the importance of Simchat Torah to the Jewish community. The children learnt that one of the traditions of Simchat Torah is to eat a special kind of bread called Challah. As a class, we made our own Challah bread. We were all very impressed with the outcome of our cooking skills! 

Languages Day 🇮🇹🍕

Today, it was Languages Day! The children all looked amazing dressed in the colours of the Italian flag as Mallard Class’ language of focus was Italian. The children learnt basic conversational language, colours and numbers, they even worked out addition and subtraction sums in Italian! We had a great time trying out a range of different Italian foods including pizza and gelato however, the olives weren’t particularly popular. In the afternoon, the children throughly enjoyed testing their knowledge of everything that they had learnt in the day with a very competitive Kahoot quiz! 

Let’s all be happy!

In PHSE, we discussed how our facial expressions and body language can indicate how we are feeling. As a class, we played a game where a child had to pick a card and act out the emotion. The children then had to guess what emotion that child was trying to act out. It’s safe to say we have some very good actors and actresses in this class! 

Ordering Instructions

In Computing today, we discussed the importance of the order of instructions within a sequence. The children created sequences using the same instructions in different orders. They then tested these sequences using the bee-bots to see how the different orders affected the outcomes. 

How are you feeling today?

In PHSE today, we discussed the different types of emotions we may feel. The children then participated in role-play to show how we could respond in a helpful and positive way rather than a negative and unhelpful way when interacting with others who feel these emotions. 


In computing today, the children learnt that programmes run by following precise instructions. To put this into practise, the children worked in pairs and gave each other instructions to reach a specific outcome. They were challenged to get their partner to create a drawing of their choosing. The children quickly realised that their instructions needed to be very specific and clear. 
