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Y2 - Mallards

Mallard class is taught by Mrs Kerrigan and is supported by Miss Guinea.  (Other adults who work in the class are Mr Frisby (teaching music on a Wednesday) and Mr Bourne (teaching PE on a Monday).


Below you will find a gallery of all the exciting learning and activities that have taken place in Mallard class this year.

Sports Day

The children had so much fun at the Sports Day this week. The sun was shining and everyone enjoyed being outside and completing all the activities. All the children participated with great sportsmanship and were very encouraging of their team mates. I was proud of them all!

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

To celebrate the Jubilee, Mallard Class made some Union Flag shortbread biscuits. We also had a whole day celebrating the Queen, wearing red, white and blue, having a tea party, playing games and eating ice creams (kindly paid for by the PTA). It was a fantastic day!

Sculptures with Nature

Mallard Class used inspiration from the artist Andy Goldsworthy to recreate their own natural sculptures.

Family Learning Circus Skills

We had some fun this week with our Family Leaning Circus Skills Workshop. Hannah came to demonstrate some skills such as, tightrope walking, plate spinning, juggling and walking on stilts and we all had a go! It was harder than it looked but great fun!

Clay Models

Our Art topic this term is Sculptures and the children enjoyed creating their own clay animal sculptures.

International Day of Dance

Today (April 29th) it was the International Day of Dance and to celebrate this Kerri Hill came and taught all the children different dances from around the world. In Year 2 we learned how to do Indian dancing in the 'Bollywood' style! It was great fun!

The Great Fire of London

To complete our topic on The Great Fire of London, the children made their own Tudor Houses and added their own fire effects to them!


As part of our Art topic, we have been learning about different techniques for creating patterns. This week we learnt about a technique called Frottage. This was developed by Max Ernst and it is a method of creating a rubbing using a textured surface. The children found different textures in the playground to create rubbings and then they created animal pictures by tearing these rubbings into various shapes.

Fruit Kebabs

As part of our Science and DT topic this half term, the children designed, made and ate their own fresh fruit rainbow kebabs. They all chose what design and fruit they would like on their skewers and then made these with the fruit today. However, the children agreed the best part was eating them!

The Animal Man

Today we were lucky enough to be able to come up-close to some very special animals. Chris (The Animal Man) brought with him a python, a blue-tongued lizard, a tenrec an armadillo and a miniature owl. They were all amazing and the children were fascinated to learn many interesting facts and some of them even got to hold them!

Drift Education Visit

Last Friday, Emma from Drift Education came to talk to us about farming. She explained about all the different types of farming and showed the children pictures of her farm and her animals. She emphasised to the children how important it is to try and support local farmers and suppliers as much as possible.

Fire of London Workshop

We really enjoyed our visit from Sharon who came from the South West Heritage Trust to talk to us about The Great Fire of London. She brought it to life with artefacts for the children to hold, costumes for them to wear and brought quills and ink for the children to use. The children even re-enacted putting the fire out with a bucket of water activity!

Problem Solving Day

On our Problem Solving Day, Mallard Class had to solve many puzzles and challenges. They had to choose which items they would take to a Desert Island and why, they completed a Maths challenge and they had fun completing the PE timed obstacle course in the Hall.