Owl Class is taught by Mrs Farnell with Miss Ellery supporting as the class LSA. Other teachers include Mr Frisby, who teaches Music on a Tuesday, and Mr Bourne, who teaches PE on a Friday.
Below, you will find updates from the children’s Year 6 journey throughout the year. Further updates can be found on our school Twitter page.
Careful Crochet
As part of our DT this term, we have been tasked with creating a wool based product. All the children in the class had the opportunity to crochet a coaster and the results were fantastic! The children employed great resilience, perseverance and determination during their crocheting! Well done, Owl Class!
Delightful Diversity- Pete the Poet Visit
We were incredibly fortunate to have a visit from Pete the Poet and attend a magical poet ride while learning all about diversity. The children reinforced their understanding of diversity and tolerance and understand the importance of celebrating our differences and individuality. We all had a wonderful time- thank you, Pete for your time today!
Interesting Internet Safety- Online Safety Day
This week we celebrated online safety day as a school. Mr Green organised an Online Safety Comic-strip competition for each class to partake in and create short comics of different scenarios which children may come across. The children loved learning about staying safe online and had very interesting conversations about the correct way to deal with different scenarios and the motives behind people reacting to situations in different ways. Excellent work, Owl Class- well done!
‘Cracking’ Clay - Sculpture work in Art
Inspired by Spinski’s realist style, the children loved creating these clay pieces inspired by different stories. The children showed careful precision and patience when moulding and painting their final products. They made slip pots to join pieces together and discovered the importance of being incredibly careful with their pieces as they were very delicate. The children were incredibly proud of their final pieces- well done, Year 6!
Sophisticated Software
The children have loved learning about data handling and using excel to process data this term. The can input a formula to find the total and calculated averages before formatting the table in different colours and creating different pie charts and bar graphs. Well done, Owl Class!
Curious about Careers-
Superintendent Visit
Today, we were fortunate enough to have a visit from a Superintendent for Contact Management in Hampshire who talked about the role of the police, how to enter the police and the many different experiences and opportunities within the force. Thank you to Superintendent Rob Brind for dedicating his afternoon to answering all of the children’s interesting questions and educating them about the range of opportunities within the police force. A very informative and great afternoon was had by all!
Stimulating Science- Respiratory System
In Science, we have been learning all about the respiratory and circulatory system. Today, we used straws and balloons to consolidate our understanding of how our lungs help us to breathe. Air entered the trachea, traveled along the bronchus where it went to the bronchioles and alveoli where oxygen was then diffused into the blood and entered our circulatory system. Great learning and explaining was done by all- well done, Owls!
Amazing Art- Realism Sculptures
This term, we are focusing on the work of Spinski and realism. This week, we focussed on creating realistic sculptures of items within the classroom to practise adding texture and paying close attention to detail. Can you guess which objects we were replicating? Well done, Owl Class!
Astounding Asia
On Friday 24th January, Miss Jones organised an incredible Geography day for the whole school. Year 6 were assigned Asia to learn all about its geography and focussed on their mapping skills, navigating, learning about the culture, population and human and physical features. We also made a traditional Asian dish originating from India with some chapattis too which the children all enjoyed making and tasting. We all had a fabulous day!
Careful Clay Work
This term, we are learning all about the work of Victor Spinski. As part of our work, we are focussing on Realism and creating clay final pieces which are extremely life-like. This takes careful attention to texture, size and shape and incredibly delicate moulding of the clay before careful application of colour mixing when painting the final piece. Here are some of our efforts when experimenting with moulding the clay- they are doing a fantastic job. Well done, Owls!
Perfect PSHE - SCARF Workshop
This week, we were incredibly fortunate to see Harold and friends for some hands-on learning about how to keep our bodies and minds healthy and safe. Thank you Mrs Musgrave for organising the visit! The children always love to see Harold and the gang and shared some brilliant questions and answers- well done, Year 6!
Wonderful WaterAid
This afternoon, we were privileged to have a live assembly from Deidre- a volunteer at WaterAid. It was incredible to learn about the work of the charity, how to get involved and fully learn and appreciate how fortunate we are in this country to have the water supplies which we do. The children felt motivated after the session to not take water for granted and find ways to fundraise for this incredible charity. Well done, Owl Class!
Magical Mosaic Mural Making
We are very fortunate that the incredibly talented artist- Dawn Handy- has been in school this week to make a mural to go outside the front of the school. Each class in school has had the opportunity to go and add to the Mosaic and be part of this process. We are incredibly grateful to Dawn for allowing us this opportunity and it was a brilliant way to start 2025. Owl Class absolutely loved it!
A ‘Punny’ Panto
Today, we were incredibly fortunate to visit the pantomime at Westlands to watch Jack and the Beanstalk. Thank you to our wonderful PTA for organising tickets for the whole school to attend. We all had a fabulous time!
Fantastic Fondants
This term, the children have been working hard to design and make their own Christmas treat for a loved one. They thought carefully about their target audience and purpose and the flavour combinations which they would like to include. We all hope you enjoy your festive treats as much as the children loved making them!
Cracking Christingles
Today, the children had a brilliant time with Reverend Sarah creating their very own Christingles and learning about the importance of these to Christians. Their Christingles were then lit in assembly as part of our Christingle service. Of course, a few marshmallows and raisins had to be consumed during the process!
Colourful Christmas Collages
This term, the children have been developing their collating techniques through exploring the work of Eileen Agar. They have focused on a variety of techniques to create a Christmas Collages inspired by Agar’s style. Here are our finished results- well done, Owls!
Outstanding Optometry
Today, the children were very fortunate to be visited by Simon at Robert Frith Opticians talking about becoming an optician and helping the children to understand their light topic from science when learning about how our eyes help us to see. They also learned about common difficulties which the eyes can experience and how these can impact vision such as Glaucoma and Cataracts. Thank you, Simon for your time this afternoon! It was very interesting!
Terrific Travelling- Investigating Light
Today, the children were investigating how light travels through different objects. They tested a variety of different materials and observed whether the light was reflected, absorbed or refracted. It was incredible to hear (and see!) the children’s observations and they drew some brilliant conclusions and evaluations at the end of the lesson. Well done, Owls!
Marvellous Market Research
As part of their DT project this term, the children were conducting some brilliant market research when testing and evaluating different chocolates. They had a range of reactions and opinions on the different types and now have a better understanding of the types of chocolate (or not!) which they would like to use for their own Christmas treats. Here they are describing the texture, taste and providing them with a star rating before putting them in order of favourite. They were also assessing their melting points when balancing them on their tongues before trying the flavour fully. Well done, Owl Class!
Careful Charades - Exploring Karma in RE
In this lesson, the children were consolidating their understanding of Karma through acting out different scenarios in their groups and getting the rest of the class to predict whether they were demonstrating acts of good karma or bad karma and the importance of Samsara to Hinduism and reincarnation to hopefully achieve the ultimate goal of Moksha. We then linked this to our morals and the Christian beliefs of treating others how you would like to be treated to be welcomed into heaven. Great comparisons and discussions were had by all with great maturity. Well done, Owl Class!
Joyful Jack and the Beanstalk Writing
Ahead of our exciting pantomime visit, the children have been busy creating their very own acrostic poems and illustrations based on Jack and the Beanstalk as part of the annual writing task set by the Pantomime Outreach Team. The children wrote some brilliant poems and ensured that they rhymed and were focussed on the original story- well done, Owls!
Incredible Independent Writing
This term, we have been focussing on the incredible work of Patricia Ness and ‘A Monster Calls’ as our stimulus for our writing objectives. Here is our brilliant writing display in the corridor showcasing a range of brilliant pieces of writing.
Powerful Programming
This term, the children have become game developers on Scratch as part of their computing unit. The children have had to apply debugging skills alongside resilience and perseverance to create a game which matched their given brief- using blocks which they hadn’t encountered before. All children were successful in their mission and the games which they created were amazing- well done, Year 6!
Developing Democracy- Learning with the Lords Online
This week, we were incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity, alongside Year 5, to meet via teams with Baroness Scott from Needham Market. The children engaged in a workshop whereby they learned about the Houses of Parliament and the differences between the House of Lords and the House of Commons before having the opportunity to ask any questions which they may have had. The children showed great maturity and enthusiasm about their learning around parliament. Well done, Owl Class!
Divine Diwali Workshop
Today, the wonderful Miss Jackson organised a fabulous Diwali Drama workshop for all the children in the school to enjoy. The children loved retelling the story of Rama and Sita in this delightful workshop. The children’s acting and facial expressions were incredible- well done, Owl Class!
Various Van Gogh’s
Inspired by the work of Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’, Owl Class have created these stunning pieces which they are incredibly proud of. Can you see the resemblance? The children have worked incredibly hard on these pieces over a series of lessons and were very proud of the final result! “Mrs Farnell, I feel like an actual artist” being our favourite quote of the day. Well done, Owl Class- we cannot wait to showcase your art around the school!
Brilliant Balloon Cars
As part of our DT project this half term, Owl Class have been researching, evaluating, designing, making and re-evaluating their very own balloon cars! The children had a fabulous time making their balloon cars out of fully recycled materials and loved testing and adapting them when trying to ensure they worked effectively. Great perseverance was shown and they were even trusted to use the saws and tools to ensure they completed each step themselves. Well done, Owl Class- you are all superstars!
Precise Painting
In Art this term, Owl Class have been focussing on painting in the style of Vincent Van Gogh with the vision of recreating his ‘Starry Night’ piece in their own style. In order to achieve this, they had to first paint the background ensuring they used lots of small brush strokes and different shades of blues and yellows. Here are some of their initial backgrounds.
Creative Careers Day
On Tuesday 8th October, the wonderful Miss Kitto organised a special day entitled “When I grow up, I would like to be” and all the children dressed as their future careers. It was wonderful to see the array of costumes and ideas which they had for their futures ahead of them. As part of the day, the children wrote letters to their future selves, discussed a range of career options and solved mathematical problems with different career themes. Some of the problems they found particularly challenging and showed brilliant resilience and resourcefulness. A great day was had by all- well done, Owls!
Powerful Poetry
On Thursday 3rd October, Owl Class enjoyed participating in National Poetry Day! The children loved exploring the theme of counting when creating their own poems! Some children even shared their poems with Year 1. Well done, Owl Class!
Cracking Computing
Owl Class are enjoying practising their programming in their computing sessions this term. They have learned what a variable is and have been practising debugging while designing and creating their own game in Scratch. Great perseverance and resilience has been shown by all! Well done, Owls!