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Y4 - Hedgehog

Hedgehog Class is taught by Mr Green with Miss Darch as the Learning Support Assistant. Other staff members working with the class include Mr Frisby for Music on a Wednesday and Mr Bourne for PE on a Friday.

Updates throughout the year can be found on both this Class Page and on our School Twitter page. 

Trip to the Museum

We had a great day out to the Museum of Somerset in Taunton as part of out topic on the Stone Age. The children had great fun learning about the different eras and the history of Somerset through the ages. We all had a fantastic day and some great adult helpers too.

Remembering D-Day

Today marked the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings. As a class, we talked about the brave soldiers who gave risked and gave their lives to fight for freedom. The children offered their thoughts and we had a powerful discussion about the events that led up to it and the significance of the sacrifice. The children spent some time thinking while writing some amazing first person recounts as if they we on the landing craft.

Collage inspired by Maria Rivans

This half term, we have been looking at collage as our medium and we looked at at artist called Maria Rivans. She lives in Brighton and we loved her style. We decided to put own own spin on it and create some collages just like hers only with our faces. It was great fun.


Top top it all off, we emailed Maria to let her know and sent our work to her. She emailed back and said how amazed she was and that she LOVED them. It was so great to hear from the artist we have been studying and to know she has seen all of our work.

DT Bank robbery

This term, as part of our DT and science, the children have been busy designing their own switches. The switches have been designed to work like pressure sensors and have been completely of the children's own design. The children went through the normal design process of research and selecting a design that they felt would suit them. The children were given a design brief and had to come up with their own success criteria for a successful pressure switch. The pressure sensor would be located inside a bank which the children created using their DT skills and a variety of different materials. The results were fantastic. Once the banks were complete, the children installed their pressure switches and began the calibration process. This turned out to be one of the trickiest challenges of the whole project. It was great to see some of the creative ways that the children began to calibrate their pressure switches.

Maria Rivans Earth Day Art

Today the children had great fun practising their collaging techniques. The children have been looking at the artwork of Maria Rivans and decided to create a piece of art to celebrate world Earth Day 2024. To mark the day, and in conjunction with a fund raising initiative, the children created a poignant piece of artwork to talk about climate change and the need to look after our planet. To complete this piece of art, the children had to practise their cutting skills as well as make important decisions about the layout of their collages. The final pieces were brilliant. For every piece submitted, the Bezos foundation will donate $5 to a climate change charity.

A visit from the Dinosaurs

Today, we had a visit from a paleontologist. He talked to us about fossils and how they were formed millions of years ago. We had the chance to uncover some fossils ourselves and handle them. We also met some very cheeky baby dinosaurs.

Cinders and Sherlock

In the Spring term, Year 4 worked really hard on their production of Cinders and Sherlock. The children were so proud of their performance have every right to be. It was great to see them up on stage and singing so beautifully. A big thank you to all staff and parents for their support too.

Visit to Dorchester

Today, as part of out topic on the Ancient Egyptians, we went to the Tutankhamun Museum in Dorchester. We has a great time learning about the rise and fall of Tutankhamun and the mystery surrounding his death. The children saw some very realistic mummies and loved asking lots of interesting questions. The sun even came out for a lovely lunch in the park.

Making Bridges

As part of our Outdoor Learning, and in linking with our DT, the children had great fun learning about strong shapes and different types of bridges. They were then challenged with using sticks, clay and string to make the strongest bridges. It was a great exercise in team-work and imagination and the bridges were fantastic.

Learning about Road Safety

Today, we had a fantastic talk about road safety and the need to be safe as we travel around. We learnt lots about how and where to cross the road as well as safe ways to use our bikes and scooters. We talked about the need for helmets on bikes and scooters and to ride them carefully. I was really proud of how the children responded and knew so much. A great session!

A visit from Harold

Today, we had a visit from Harold and his friends about how to look after our mental health. We learnt about the importance or being active, mindfulness, being kind to ourselves and others as well as a few other tips and tricks to help us look after ourselves. It was great seeing Harold and the children learnt a lot.


Today, the children all had a visit from Tony. He came to teach us all about the RNLI and the important work that they do. He also talked to us about water safety and the importance of staying safe when near water. We look forward to seeing him again in the Summer.

Making Poo

Today, as part of our outdoor learning, the children had great fun recreating the human digestive system. In science, we have been looking at the human digestive system as well as other parts of human anatomy. Today was time to put it into practice. The children mixed up digestive biscuits, water, banana as well as orange juice in a tray with their hands. It was a very realistic consistency. Once all this food had been mashed up to replicate the notion of a human chewing their food, the children then had to pour the liquid and mushed up food into a pair of tights. Once in the tights, the children had to squeeze out all the water. This was to mimic the action of the intestines. Once all the liquid had been removed, the children made a small incision with a pair of scissors and squeezed out their perfect poos.

Diwali Dance

This term we have been learning about Hinduism. Earlier in the term, we learned about the story of Rama and Sita. Linking in with this, and as some fantastic enrichment, we were able to put our knowledge into practice. We had an amazing professional actor and dancer come in and talk to us about the story in more detail. For each of the characters in the story, we had a special action and we told the story using a range of traditional Indian dances. It was quite tricky to get into position in enough time but the children had great fun making moving rangoli patterns and some fantastic firework lines.

Glastonbury Abbey

Today, we had a fantastic time at Glastonbury Abbey. This was linked into our Tudor topic in History. During the day, we had great time walking around the grounds and learning about the legends and history that surround it. We also went into the to the kitchen and made Tudor toothpaste. The children got to try the toothpaste and it was disgusting. We all had fun making and trying it. We also got the opportunity to dress up and find out about Tudor life and games that children would have played.

Making Charcoal

Today, as part of outdoor learning and linking with our art topic, the children had a go at making their own charcoal. The children had to whittle pieces of Hazel to remove the barks. They had great fun doing this with potato peelers. Once the bark was removed, the pieces of Hazel had to be placed inside a metal tin. This allowed them to be burnt in an environment that contained as little oxygen as possible. We all had great fun watching the hole in the top of the tin. At first steam came out of the hole and as soon as we saw a flame it was time to take it off the fire. We will have great fun using the charcoal next week in art to recreate some of our own Lowry pieces.

Outdoor learning - Cooking Tudor Puddings

Today, in linking with DT in history, we went outside and had great fun preparing some food. We talked with Mrs Huggins about seasonality and the availability of foods at different times of the year. This was linked into our tutor topic and the notion that peasants at the time would have had to make do with what food was around them. We talked about food hygiene and the difference preparation methods we would be using such as peeling, chopping, whisking as well as stewing. We split into two groups and whipped our own cream as well as peeled and chopped the apples. The children found it tricky to use the peelers as well as the knives but it was a great learning experience and we all got to enjoy a fantastic peasant pudding at the end of it. 



This week, we have been looking at position and direction. We have looked at single, double and 4 quadrant grids. We have been using words like vertical and horizontal to explain the position of different points as well as becoming familiar with the terms x and y.

Today, we used this to compete in a battle ships game against our partners. It was great fun and quite tricky.

World Mental Health Day 2023

This year, for World Mental Heath Day, we spent the day learning all about the importance of looking after our mental wellbeing. We worked with Razmataz and completed some really fun mindfulness activities involving breathing and thinking about what makes us unique. We focused on our breathing and was in which we can relax. We also made calming bottles and completed mindfulness colouring in class. Mr Green talked to us about how we can cope with stress and that its ok to feel how we feel. A great day all round.

Painting Rangoli Patterns

Today, the children worked really hard in the RE session. To begin the session, they recapped all of the knowledge that they have gained on the Hindu faith. We talked about the story of Rama and Sita and its links with Diwali and the festival of light. The children had a fantastic grasp of the Hindu faith and the elements that we have covered so far. It was great for them to share their knowledge and demonstrate all that they have learnt. Today we talked about Rangoli patterns. We talked about the symmetry and the significance of the Rangoli patterns around the Diwali. We talked about the need for primary colours and bright colours and the ways in which the patterns are used. The children then painted the patterns with great care and attention to detail and the results were fantastic. They had to work hard on their brush control and using just the tip of the brush for the very fiddly parts.

Knoll Nursing Home

Today, we had a visit from Jo and Shirley at Knoll Nursing home in Yeovil. They came in and told us all about the home and all of the wonderful things that they do to help support the residents there. The children were keen to ask questions and it was great to hear about the pets and all the technology, as well as the hard work, that helps to keep the residents safe as well as engaged and looked after.

Making Clay Volcanos

Today, we use the clay to create our volcanoes. Each of us was given one ball of clay and we had to follow some simple steps to create the volcano shape. The first thing we had to do was roll our clay into a smooth ball. Once we had done this, we inserted our thumb and pinched to create a bowl shape. For the next stage, we had to pinch the bowl at the top around our thumb to create the shape of the volcano. It was important that we didn't make the clay too thin. Once we made it flat on the table, we then had to smooth over any cracks because the cracks can get bigger as the clay dries. It was great fun and we used the tools to create texture when we were finished. 

Languages Day - Italy

On the 26th September, we celebrated Languages Day here at Kingfisher Primary school. Years 4 and 6 were given Italy and we couldn't have been happier! We spent the morning leaning italian greetings, counting as well as other key phrases. We even learned a song in italian too! On top of all that, we were able to try some italian food. The olives were an acquired taste but it was fun to see the children try new things. The children also worked hard learning about Venetian Masks and the history behind them. This culminated in them creating some amazing masks of their own.

Giraffes make a splash

The children have been working hard on their writing this term and watched an amazing video with some very talented giraffes. We worked through to talk about, plan and then write up our recounts of the events as they unfolded. I was very impressed with the amazing vocabulary and superb sentences that the children came up with. We even put some up on display!

Working with clay

This term, we have been learning about Nick Park and honing our sculpting skills. We have learnt about the different forms of sculpture and found out lots about Nick. He once even Left Wallace in the back of a Taxi! We had great fun working with the clay and learning how to shape it. We learnt about how to join and smooth over the cracks too. We were very proud of our creations.

Play Scripts - Toy Story

This week, we have been looking at play scripts and their different features. Instead of looking at just the play scripts, we had the fantastic opportunity to look at a movie script. We looked at the movie script of Toy Story and had great fun acting out one of the scenes using the stage directions that were given to the voice actors and animators. We had to think long and hard about how the characters would deliver their lines as well as what they would be doing with their bodies as the lines were delivered. We all had great fun watching each other.
