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Y1 - Dragonflies

Dragonfly Class is taught by Mrs Kerrigan and is supported by Miss Guinea and Mrs Ostridge. Other adults who work in the class are Mr Frisby (teaching music on a Wednesday) and Mr Bourne (teaching PE on a Monday).

Below you will find a gallery of all the exciting learning activities that have taken place in Dragonfly class this year.

Sandworld Trip

The class had a fun time at Sandworld for our school trip, even though it was a very wet and windy day! The children were amazed by the huge sand sculptures and enjoyed identifying all the different characters. They then chose their own design to fill with layered, coloured sand. Finally, they were shown by Mark, how he creates all the sand sculptures on the beach and were then allowed to make their own. 

Sports Day

The children showed off all their amazing PE skills during this year's Sports Day. There were throwing events, an obstacle course and lots of different races. The children enjoyed watching all the mummys and daddys racing and also the staff too!

Fruit Sculptures

As part of our Art topic on Sculptures, and also our DT topic on food, the children made fruit sculptures. They designed and made their own sculptures, and then enjoyed eating the fruit after!

Father’s Day Fudge

The class made some delicious Aero fudge today for a Father’s Day gift ( shhhhh, don’t tell the daddys!) 


GB’s Para-Olympian Katrina Hart’s Visit

The class were very excited to meet para-Olympian, Katrina Hart this week. They completed some circuit training exercises with her and were sponsored for their efforts! It was incredibly hot but they were all fantastic! 

Making Sandwiches

As part of our DT topic on preparing food, the children designed and made their own sandwiches. They enjoyed eating them too! 

Bug Hunt

In Science the children have been learning about the different animal groups. So, this week we went outside to find different insects and bugs.

Rock up and Read

We had another successful Rock and Read session this week with the parents. It was lovely to see the children enjoying some books with their grown-ups.

Inter-house Cross Country Competition

All the children took part in the Inter-house Cross Country Competition last Friday. They all did really well running around the school field on a special course designed by Mr Bourne.

Well done to our class winners!

Coronation Celebrations

Dragonfly Class enjoyed all the Coronation activities this week. The children wrote to the King to wish him well with his coronation, they created collages of the King and made Coronation Mocktails using their measuring skills.  They also enjoyed dressing up in red, white and blue and playing games organised by the PTA. It was a lot of fun! 

Kingfisher's Bake-Off Competition

We had some super entries from Dragonfly Class for our Bake-Off Competition this week. All the cakes looked delicious and they were sold to the parents and children after school which raised lots of money for charity. Well done!

Kingston Maurward Trip

Our trip to Kingston Maurward was a great success, even though it was very cold! The children had fun feeding the guinea pigs and rabbits using fishing rods, and also the goats by hand. We were very lucky to be able to visit the new born lambs in their pens, as some were only a few hours old. They were very cute and we all wanted to bring them home! We also had a visit around the other park animals to see the Shetland ponies, Kune Kune pigs, guinea fowl, donkeys and horses. Sarah then spoke to the children about the animals and discussed the different animal groups. We had a great day.

Making Carp Kites

In DT the children have been learning about kites. They have studied different styles of kites and where they originated from. This week, we looked at Carp Kites from Japan and the children made their own versions and enjoyed flying them around the playground!

World Book Day

The children had a great day on World Book Day, taking part in lots of different reading/story activities. They helped write a whole school story, drew their favourite part of their favourite story, read to themselves and then had a reading session with the Year 5's, looked at books from the Book Fair and made book marks to take home. It was a very busy day!

Church Visit

As part of our RE topic on Christianity, we had a visit to one of our local churches. Rev David Keen welcomed us to St James' Church on Preston Road and allowed the children to discover all the different features. He also told a Bible story with the help from some of the children and suggested the children might like to make stone and brass rubbings to take back to school. 


In PE this half term, we have been practising gymnastic skills. Today the children demonstrated their jumping and landing, rolling and balancing using the apparatus.

Safer Internet Day

Today the children learned more about why it is important to stay safe on the Internet. They wrote some safety rules and also created posters. Some of the Digital Leaders came and read the class a story about Digiduck and why posting pictures of other people is not kind. 


In DT the children have been learning all about windmills and what they are used for.

Over the last few weeks, they have been experimenting with different designs for the sails and the base. Then they planned their own designs and made them.

Snow Day

Dragonfly Class took the opportunity to have some fun in the snow before it melted!

Little Red Riding Hood Role-play

The children have been learning the story of Little Red Riding Hood this week. To help them remember the order for their writing, they re-enacted the story in small groups.

Dragonfly Class enjoyed their Christmas Dinner on Tuesday and they also sang along to some Christmas tunes too!


The children performed their Nativity ' The Sleepy Shepherd' this week and they were amazing. They all sang beautifully and their costumes looked amazing.


In DT the children have been stitching their own hand puppets. They have been working on these over a few weeks and the finished products are excellent!

History of Toys Workshop

As part of our History topic this term we have been learning all about toys and how these have changed over the years. Shirley from South West Heritage Trust came and delivered a workshop to the children, which was great fun. She brought some old toys to show us and then the children were able to play with some and dress up as Victorian children too.


In Science the children have been learning about different weather associated with the Seasons. Today they learned about wind and how windsocks can help people identify the wind direction. They then made their own.

Making Jam Sandwiches

The children have been learning how to write instructions in English and they put this to use to create instructions for making jam sandwiches. They then used their instructions to make the sandwiches and then they ate them!

Partitioning a 2-digit number

In Maths the children have been learning how to partition a 2-digit number into tens and ones. They used Dienes to help them and then wrote these on their whiteboards.

HSBC Visit

Today the children were visited by 2 ladies from HSBC who talked about the importance of saving money. They completed a few activities as a class relating to money and then drew a toy they would like to save up and buy.

Black History Month - Rosa Parks

As part of Black History Month, Dragonfly Class spent a day learning about Rosa Parks. They completed fact files about her and then produced some Pop Art using her portrait.

Mental Health Day - Wear Yellow!

Making Bread

As part of our DT project on Bread, the children designed and made their own bread rolls. I think they enjoyed eating them too!



The children had the opportunity today to program a Beebot in Computing. They were learning how to create algorithms.

Self Portraits

In Art, the children are learning techniques how to create self-portraits. Today they used chalk on the playground to practise this skill.


This term the children are participating in Yoga sessions with Paula. She demonstrates and encourages them all to practise different breathing and movement techniques to help with mindfullness.
