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Y3 - Otters

Welcome to Otter Class! 

Otter Class is taught by Miss Broadribb with Miss Wolny, Mrs Streetin and Mrs Williams as the Learning Support Assistants. Other staff members working with the class include Mr Frisby for Music on a Wednesday and Mr Bourne for PE on a Friday.

Updates throughout the year can be found on both this Class Page and on our School Twitter page. Below you will find a gallery of all the exciting learning activities that have taken place in Otter Class this year.

Powerful Poetry- Pete the Poet


Today, the children thoroughly enjoyed a workshop with the incredibly talented Pete the Poet. They were focussing on diversity and loved taking part rapping with him and helping to create their own stories. There was lots of dressing up and play involved too - each child making friends with their own cuddly companion. Thank you, Pete for your time this afternoon, the children had a fabulous time! 

Fantastic Fossils- Charming Charmouth Visit

The children had a fantastic time on their trip to Charmouth whereby they engaged in a fossil hunting workshop and loved identifying and finding ammonites and belenites on the beach. It was a glorious day and the children loved doing some team building on the beach in the afternoon too. Look at some of their fantastic fossils! Thank you to our wonderful parent helpers for helping us with our day too! Well done, Otters.  

Wonderful Wonderdome 

Today, the children had a wonderful time learning about the planets in the ‘Wonderdome’. They started with the solar system and went through all the planets which were projected onto the dome. Then, they moved onto the moon, luna cycle and space travel. The children were also allowed to ask lots of interesting questions. 
They were all fascinated by it all, with lots of ‘wows’ as they watched all the planets and the stars above them. Thank you for visiting us today! 

Practical Pencil Cases 


This term, the children combined their research, sewing skills and designs to create these wonderful pencil cases. They showed great perseverance, determination and resilience as at times the stitching was quite challenging! The children are all very proud of their creations. Well done, Otters! 

Colourful Cupcake Collages


The children have loved exploring different collaging techniques including ripping, tearing, cutting and overlapping. They have been working hard to create a collaged cupcake stand using great resilience and determination. Here are their final creations which we think look delightful! Well done, Otters! 

Amazing Anglo-Saxons - Somerset Rural Life Museum 


Otter Class had a fantastic time at the Somerset Rural Life Museum in Glastonbury. They learnt all about the battles between the Anglo-Saxon King Alfred the Great and Guthrum (leader of the Vikings) through a Battle reenactment of the Battle at Edington. They also developed their chronology, practised writing in Anglo Saxon runes and learned all about the Anglo Saxon burhs (fortified towns) established by King Alfred. The children then had a self guided tour of the museum which they all thoroughly enjoyed. A great day was had by all- many thanks to the Somerset Rural Life Museum for having us. 

Super Shadows! 


Otter Class have loved our light topic this half term and especially have enjoyed exploring shadows. Here they are investigating how the shadow changes when the light source is moved. They then concluded their investigations and checked their findings against their predictions. Super work, Otter Class! 

Exciting Embellishments 


Today we focussed on sewing embellishments onto our pencil cases. The children loved recognising the different stitches which they needed to use to attach buttons and beads. They used a cross stitch for their buttons and running stitch for their beads. They were very proud of what they created and showed great resilience! Well done, Otter Class! 

Cracking Computing Day 


Miss Hegarty organised a brilliant computing day for the whole school to enjoy. The children loved our computing museum set up in the dance studio, experimenting with data branching and exploring the microbits. A great day was had by all! Thank you, Miss Hegarty! 

Super Stitching! 

Otter Class are working incredibly hard with their sewing skills in DT in preparation for making their very own pencil cases! Here they are practising some different stitch types. 

Happy Mother’s Day! 

Otter Class would like to wish all the special women in their lives a Happy Mother’s Day! Here they are applying their collaging techniques from Art to create their wonderful cards. Well done, Otters! 

Wonderful World Book Day! 

The children had a fabulous day for World Book Day today. They all looked wonderful in their costumes so thank you parents for taking so much time and effort in getting them organised for the day. We started the day with a brilliant assembly hosted by Mrs Kerrigan and author Sarah Oliver. The class then loved becoming their own authors when drafting their own stories inspired by our class text Kingdom Over the Sea by Zohra Nabi. In the afternoon, the children had a brilliant time applying their collaging skills with some gradient work when recreating her book cover using oil pastilles before enjoying a Rock Up and Read session. Thank you Mrs Kerrigan for a wonderful day! 

Vital Volunteers


As part of our PSHE topic on ‘Roles and Respect’, the children loved learning about what a volunteer is and showing respect for them through drawing a portrait. The children showed a lot of respect towards all our ‘Helpful Volunteers’ around school and loved identifying those who help us voluntarily. It was lovely to see them acknowledging the work of their council members across the school too! Thank you to everyone who helps to make our community a better place. 

Interesting Investigating 


As part of our Light topic, the children have loved investigating how light travels through different objects. In this lesson, they were investigating how the darkness of shadows is affected based on whether an object is opaque, translucent or transparent. The children were shocked to discover their school jumpers were translucent! Super investigating, Otter Class! 

Fantastic First Aid


The children were incredibly privileged to be visited by Ash and be taught some basics in First Aid. They learnt how to do CPR, put someone in the recovery position, deal with choking and administer different bandages for different injuries. A great session, well done Otter Class! 

Remarkable Runes 


The children had a brilliant session in outdoor learning whereby they were using mud as paint for writing Anglo-Saxon runes. The children were very engaged and loved learning to write their names and messages. Thank you Mrs Huggins for a fantastic session! 

Interesting Internet Safety Day 


Otter Class had a brilliant day as part of Internet Safety Day. Miss Hegarty organised a great day for us all. The children wrote some fantastic speeches urging people to stay safe online and also enjoyed an interactive quiz from the digital leaders. We also completed some internet safety posters in the afternoon. Well done, Otters!

Super Stop-Frame Animations! 


The children have loved applying their learnt methods when using the iPads, focussing on creating their own stop-frame animations. This week, they focused on creating a drawing tutorial for a KS1 child for a flower. As an extension, some children created an animation for the needs of a flowering plant. It was great to see them using the onion skinning tool more effectively this week. Well done, Otters! 

A Great Guide Dog Visit


Year 3 loved joining with Year 4 to meet Iris and her recently retired guide dog, Kim come into school. It was lovely to meet them both and the children loved learning about the role of the guide dogs and their training! Kim was beautiful and so well behaved. Thank you so much for visiting our children- it was brilliant! 

Nonsensical Nonsense Poems


The children absolutely loved studying poetry this week and focussing on Spike Milligan's On the Ning Nang Nong. They loved creating their second verses of their own made up planets and enjoyed sharing these with each other. They weren't the easiest poems to read aloud and great concentration was required by all. Well done, Otters, you should be very proud of yourselves! 



Magnificent Music Day


Otter Class had a fantastic music day! They started the day singing while it was all hands on deck when decorating the backdrop which will be used for their very own Bee Musical. Afterwards, the children enjoyed an African drumming workshop with Mr Green. They then made their own music while using the iPads in Year 5. They visited Mr Frisby where they practised more singing for their performance in a couple weeks time and learned some recorder skills with Miss Broadribb before going to Assembly to watch the Yeovil Ukulele Group perform. A brilliant day was had by all! Special thanks to Mrs Kerrigan and Mr Frisby for organising such a magnificent day.   

Vital Road Safety 


Today, the children had a brilliant time learning about Road Safety and the need to keep safe as we travel. We learnt lots about how and where to cross the road, as well as safe ways to use our bikes and scooters responsibly. We talked about the importance of wearing helmets on bikes and scooters and to ride them carefully. The children were very knowledgeable and asked lots of useful questions! Well done, Otters!  

A Successful SCARF visit!


The children absolutely loved seeing Harold again with this years focus on Health and Mental wellbeing. The children all showed great maturity and were really engaged by the session. Thank you for visiting us again and well done, Otters!

Awesome Outdoor Learning! 


We are very fortunate to be having sessions with the fabulous Mrs Huggins again this term. This term's theme for Outdoor Learning is Everything Anglo-Saxon! So far, the children have loved making Anglo-Saxon houses and making an Anglo-Saxon stew. We can't wait to see what we get to do next week!  Great team building and resilience have been shown by all. Well done, Otters!

Cracking Computing!


This term in Computing, we are focussing on creating our own stop-frame animations. Here the children are learning all about the original form of stop-frame animation- the flipbook! They loved making their own flipbooks using post-it notes. 

Marvellous Money Problems


Otter Class had a brilliant time when solving money word problems this week. They were all able to problem solve and find various combinations of coins for different amounts. Great exchanging was used when they realised they didn't have the coins that they wanted. Well done, Otter Class! 

Fantastic French! 

Body Parts

Otter Class have been busy learning the body parts in French since returning to school from Christmas. They loved singing head shoulders knees and feet and did brilliant actions- tres bien!  

Spring Term 2024

Elf-tastic Visit 


Otter Class loved their visit from Elfie this morning. A perfect way to end a busy term! They loved giving Elfie a high five and having a photo taken with him! Have a fantastic Christmas break, Otters! Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2024. 

Fabulous French - Nicolas the Monster


Otter Class loved applying their French vocabulary from this term when reading this story! It was great to see them being such brilliant language detectives! Tres bien, Otters!

Wonderful Winter Poems


The children loved writing their wonderful winter poems today and sharing them with the class. Some of the rhyming was phenomenal! Well done, Otters! 

Magical Mince Pies


This afternoon, the children loved going out in small groups with the wonderful Miss Wolny to make some delicious mince pies to go inside their Christmas boxes. The children loved cutting the pastry and filling the cases with their delicious mince meat. A great session was had by all!

Dazzling DT Boxes


The children loved making their dazzling DT boxes to hold a mince pie for a loved one. As you can see, they were incredibly proud of the final result! They researched different packaging, learned about the importance of copyright, made a prototype and carefully crafted their final products before finally evaluating them. Well done, Otters! 

Divine Drawings


This term, Otter Class have been developing their knowledge of sketching and drawing through examining the work and style of Edward Hopper. They were given the task of designing a winter scene incorporating a landscape and lots of light and shadow with varying degrees of shading. Some of the results they produced were extraordinary and the children were incredibly proud of their final pieces. Well done, Otter Class! 

Wonderful Wessex Water Visit


Otter Class were fortunate enough to be visited by the amazing Tim from Wessex Water this afternoon. The children loved learning about the Water Cycle and exploring how the water gets filtered at the reservoir in order for it to be safe to drink! The children loved making their own water filters and exploring the practical activities. Thank you Tim for taking the time to teach the children about the importance of conserving water and ensuring water is safe too.

Delightful DT Christmas Boxes


The children have worked really hard when making their Christmas boxes for their DT project this term. They have had to use cutting, sticking and folding skills and choose an appropriate material to design their box for a loved one. Great perseverance and resilience was demonstrated by all- especially for the fiddly bits! Well done, Otters! 

'Christmassy' Church Visit


The children have enjoyed learning about Christianity this term with a focus on God and Incarnation. To complete the unit, the children loved visiting the wonderful Reverend David Keen this afternoon to ask him questions and to see the different features inside the Church. Thank you David for such an insightful and enjoyable experience with you today. Otter Class had a brilliant time! 

A Perfect Pantomime Performance


Otter Class had a brilliant time at Westlands Entertainment Venue watching the Cinderella pantomime. The children loved engaging with the whole performance and were laughing throughout. A massive thank you to our amazing PTA for paying for this opportunity for our children. They all had a fabulous time!  

Terrific TT Rockstars!


This term, the children have worked hard on their times tables and improving their fluency using TT Rockstars! The children are getting very competitive when wanting to be top of the leader board. Below are some pictures of them practising in class. Well done, Otters!

Cracking Christmas Jumper Day and Improving Work


Looking festive in their brilliant Christmas jumpers, the children worked in pairs to share their work and suggest improvements using the dictionaries. The children had great discussions about what would make their work even better and were very proud of the stories they had written based on the Snowman. They even managed to share ideas with one another and identify words and phrases which they would like to use in their own writing next time. Well done, Otter Class!

Perplexing Paper Clip Investigation


The children have loved our forces and magnets topic in Science this term. This week, we were testing the strengths of different magnets and seeing how many paperclips each type of magnet could hold. The children were surprised that the biggest magnet was not necessarily the strongest! We also discussed whether our findings could be applied to finding the strongest magnet in the world and the children all agreed that they could not! Well done, Otter Class- you are all incredibly inquisitive superstars! 

A Fantastic Ferne Animal Sanctuary Visit 


The children absolutely loved learning about the different animals which are looked after at Ferne Animal Sanctuary. Thank you so much for coming in and educating us about the animals which you look after- the children loved learning about them and their stories! 

Fabulous French! 


The children are loving practising their French speaking skills this term. They have learnt how to introduce themselves, say how they are, count to 20 in French, identify colours and ask questions. Today, they loved practising their conversational French with each other while recapping their key vocab. It was lovely to see so many children using their books as a reference point for words which they were unsure of too! Tres bien, Year 3!  

Practising Parables


In RE this term, the children have been focussing on Christianity and learning about God and Incarnation. The children have loved reflecting on their knowledge of parables and quizzing each other by acting out different ones for their friends to guess which parable they were acting out and retell the story. Fantastic acting skills were demonstrated by all. Well done, Otters! 


Really Engaging RNLI Visit


The children loved their visit from the RNLI today, learning all about the importance of Water Safety and how to be 'Beach safe'. The children loved the opportunity to dress as lifeguards and coast guards and learned all about how to keep themselves safe by the coast. Thank you to the RNLI for taking time out of their busy schedule to visit us. 

Inquisitively Investigating Metals


As part of our Science topic of magnetism, the children have continued to develop their understanding of magnetic metals. They have learned that not all shiny items are magnetic and not everything which looks silver is magnetic. The children now know that iron, nickel and cobalt are magnetic materials, along with some iron metals, however, others will not be magnetic. They showed great resilience and problem solving this afternoon. Well done, Otters!  

Cracking Children in Need and Creative Cinderella Poems


The children loved dressing up in their spots and non-uniform to show their support for Children in Need. They also enjoyed writing Creative Cinderella Acrostic Poems in preparation for our annual school visit to the Pantomime in December! The best 6 poems have been submitted into the Westlands competition and all of the children did a fantastic job. Well done, Otters! 

Divine Diwali Dance Workshop


Otter Class had a fantastic time taking part in the Diwali Dance Workshop today. They were incredibly excited and loved expressing themselves through dance while retelling the famous story of Rama and Sita. Thank you to Miss Jackson for organising- they all loved it and were keen to get involved! 

Magnificent Magnetic Materials


This week, the children have enjoyed investigating different magnetic materials. They were surprised to discover that not all metals were magnetic and showed great maturity when investigating the different materials. Well done, Otter Class! 

Magical Maps


The children are enjoying developing their map skills as part of our topic on the UK in Geography this term. Brilliant focus was had by all when identifying the different rivers in the UK. Well done, Otters!

Remembrance Poppies


Otter Class paid their respects when creating their remembrance poppies on Friday afternoon. The children used a variety of techniques to create their poppies which are shown on display in the upstairs classroom. Representatives from the class will also read a poem as part of our school remembrance assembly.  

Fabulous Friction


This term, the children are learning about forces and magnets in Science. Their lesson today focussed on the effects of friction when getting a toy car to travel over different surfaces. The children had to use brilliant teamwork and careful measuring skills to ensure their experiment was a fair test. From their conclusions, the children discovered that the smoother the material the less friction there was and the car would move more freely, the more friction the harder it was for it to move. 

Exciting Eco Day


On Monday 30th October, we started the new half term with a fabulous Eco Day. Throughout the day, the children learned lots about climate change and the importance of making our lives sustainable for the sake of our planet. The children wrote some brilliant drafts for letters to the Leaders of the World and our Prime Minister to start the day- inspired by the story of the Tin Forest. The children then worked in pairs to investigate their carbon footprint in Maths when collecting, recording and representing data on how different children travelled to school. In the afternoon, the children learned about climate change and enjoyed their VR workshop. Thank you to the PTA for kindly funding the session for the whole school to enhance the children's learning on this day. They also created some wonderful posters on climate change showcasing their learning for the day.  

Lovely Leaves - Outdoor Learning


Otter Class loved identifying and classifying leaves during their outdoor learning session with Mrs Huggins before collecting their own leaves to use for an Autumn Leaf inspired papier mache bowl in their groups. Again, the children showed great collaboration and worked hard in their groups to identify the leaves and to be resilient with the fiddly art activity! It was great to hear the children talking about the different chemicals released in the plants to make them change colour in Autumn too!

Respectful RSPCA Visit 


Otter Class loved their session with the RSPCA focusing on how to look after pets around bonfire night and with fireworks. The children asked lots of brilliant questions and thoroughly enjoyed the session when making their own 'fireworks' using conkers. It was great to see the children learning so much about being respectful to animals and wildlife. Thank you to all the parents who sent lots of conkers into school and the RSPCA for spending their time delivering the session! 

Magical Mindfulness and Movement


Otter Class have been fortunate enough to have weekly sessions of Mindfulness and Movement during this first half term. The children have loved their sessions with Hollie and have learned lots of strategies to help with their mental wellbeing. The children showed great maturity with each session and are developing their resilience well. Here they are practising their yoga poses. Well done, Otters- you're all superstars!

Perfect Programming


This term, Otter Class loved doing programming on Scratch and practising their debugging and problem solving skills. The children understood that they needed to use certain blocks to make their animation work and could solve problems to debug a programme. The children also enjoyed completing challenges each week and retelling their English writing through an animation. Well done, Otters! It has been lovely to see how creative and resilient you all are. 

Creative Catapults 


The children had a brilliant time creating their catapults with Mrs Huggins in their outdoor learning sessions. They loved testing them out and evaluating their creations, as well as problem solving and making some improvements as they went. Great teamwork was shown by all and they were incredibly proud of the final creations. Well done, Otters! 

Awesome Autumn Leaf Bowls


Otter Class have loved learning all about Georgia O'Keefe in Art and using her work to inspire their own autumn leaf bowls. The children practised careful clay skills with the support of Miss Wolny and showed brilliant attention to detail with their carving skills. The children had to ensure that their bowls were thick enough that they would not crack and mould them carefully- manipulating the clay brilliantly. They also enjoyed painting them and adding further details using acrylic paints. Well done, Otter Class!  

Otter Class Computing Code


Otter Class created their computing code of rules which they would like to follow to keep themselves safe online. It was lovely to hear their views and how knowledgeable and mature they all were on this topic. Well done, Otters! 


Fabulous Family Learning


At Kingfisher, we value the opportunity to invite our families in to participate in activities with their children. It was Otter Class' turn to take part in some family learning on Friday and they loved working with the incredibly talented Darrell Wakelam when creating some fabulous Roman Masks. Thank you Darrell for coming in to show us the sustainable way to create these stunning masks using only recyclable materials. A special thank you as well to all the parents and family members who came to show their support- it was amazing to see so many of you. The results were brilliant! 

Celebrating National Poetry Day


This year, for National Poetry Day, the children explored the theme Refuge. We discussed that this meant finding a safe space to live or to have your own space. The children then went on to discuss a poem by Michael Rosen 'On the Move Again' and wrote their own acrostic poems to spell Refuge down the page. It was lovely to see the children so enthused to share these too. Super work, Otters! 

Resilient Roman Den Building - Outdoor Learning 


Otter Class are loving learning new skills in Outdoor Learning this term with Mrs Huggins! This week, they were building dens using a mallet and large sticks to recreate shelter like the Roman Soldiers would have done. The children loved having discussions about what the differences would have been in Roman times too and demonstrated excellent teamwork and communication skills. Well done, Otter Class! 

Passionate Poetry Reading


Otter Class did a fantastic job with their poetry writing this week. They were very proud of their autumn poems and even shared some of them in the Harvest Festival. It was lovely to hear them paying respect to the farmers with their Harvest theme too. Well done, Otters!

Exciting Experimenting with Clay


Otter Class loved experimenting with different techniques and tools while manipulating the clay this week. The children did a fantastic job with their experimenting and showed great resilience and reflection when evaluating their prototypes. They were very proud of the prototypes which they created. Well done, Otters!

Outstanding Outdoor Learning- Roman Handheld Catapults 


This term, Otter Class are loving developing their skills in our Outdoor Learning skills with Mrs Huggins. The children loved finishing their handheld catapults and practising to shoot wild boar on the fence. No actual boars or children were harmed in this session! Well done, Otters! 

Magical Mindfulness


Otter Class are loving practising mindfulness this term and focusing on stillness and different strategies and poses to relax at home. Well done, Otters!  

European Day of Languages- German


On the 26th September 2023, Otter Class celebrated European Day of Languages by focussing on German. The children had a fantastic day learning all about the German culture, completing fact files, learning German numbers and problem solving by playing a dice game, practising greetings and learnt how to sing Bruder Jakob in German too. We even sang Happy Birthday in German too! A great day was had by all!  

Outdoor Learning


Otter Class have loved their first outdoor learning session with Mrs Huggins this term. They are learning to whittle in order to make their own catapults inspired by their Romans topic and as part of their DT unit. Great listening skills and concentration were shown by all. Keep up the great work, Otter Class!  

Magic Movement


The children worked hard making different letters to spell their names with their partners using their bodies during this rainy PE lesson. Great teamwork, creativity, confidence, balance and coordination was demonstrated by all! Well done, Otter Class.

Practising Place Value


Otter Class have worked hard to partition numbers into their Hundreds, Tens and Ones using the base10 equipment. The children have shown brilliant resilience and great problem solving. Well done, Otters!  

Romulus and Remus


Otter Class have settled in brilliantly to Year 3 and loved starting their Romans topic with learning how Rome developed its name. The children loved retelling the story of Romulus and Remus in a practical way and shared their performances very maturely with the rest of the class. Well done, Otters! 
