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Kingfisher Primary School 2023-2024

Year 6 work with artist, Darrell Wakelam

Pupils in Year 6 worked with visiting artist, Darrell Wakelam, in February to create a wonderful piece of art which displays our school motto of 'Be the best you can be.' They used their art skills along with skills in resilience, creativity and collaboration to create this excellent final piece.


Children and staff at Kingfisher Primary School, fully embraced World Book Day and came dressed for school in some spectacular costumes. The day started with a Whole School assembly where the children received a message from author, Sarah Oliver. As a school, all children will work with Sarah to create our own picture book which will be published in the summer term. Throughout the day, children engaged in a variety of activities aimed to promote reading for pleasure. The day concluded with our half-termly ‘Rock up and Read’ sessions, where parents came into school and shared a book with their child.

World Book Day

A special visit...

Just before Christmas, all pupils from nursery and school gathered on the playground and looked up to the skies to see if they could spot some very special visitors. We were incredibly lucky to have a navy helicopter land on our school field, with two of Santa's special helpers from RNAS Yeovilton on board who collected letters written by the children to Father Christmas. 

Friday 6th October saw our first Family Learning session of this year, with visiting artist, Darrell Wakelam, leading an art session with our Y3 pupils and their families. 18 parents/grandparents were in attendance for the Roman mask making morning which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Outdoor learning is in full swing this autumn. Year 6 have been exploring the school environment, identifying and classifying living things. Pupils in Year 3 have been acquiring new skills, whittling sticks and working collaboratively.

A huge thank you to our incredibly generous families for their massive food donations as we celebrated harvest festival. We shared songs and poems about harvest in assembly. With all donations going to The Lord’s Larder in Yeovil.

European Day of Languages 


On Tuesday 26th September 2023, we celebrated our Annual European Day of Languages.

The Little Kingfisher Day Nursery focused on Spanish and eating some lovely paella and patatas bravas and they made some lovely Spanish crafts- practising their collaging skills.

Reception, Year 1 and Year 5 all focussed on learning about France and the French language- learning colours, creating fact files and using dictionaries. 

Years 2 and 3 focussed on learning some German greetings, numbers and Geography while creating their fact files.

Years 4 and 6 focussed on learning some Italian - learning the colours and crafting to make Venetian masks, as well as learning the numbers and learning some greetings.

All classes had the opportunity to try food from their countries and had a fabulous day learning about different cultures- as well as learning to sing a song in the language that they were focussing on! Well done, Kingfisher! 

Year 6 enjoying their outdoor learning where Science met Art. Pupils collected different plants which they pressed between cloth using a rubber mallet. This released the chlorophyll (green pigment) to produce symmetrical patterns. The results were brilliant!

On Sunday 10th September, our incredibly talented Ukulele Club played at the Yeovil Ukulele Festival 2023. The festival took place at Haselbury Mill and the feedback from onlookers was fantastic. A big well done to our talented musicians and also Mr Frisby & Mrs Streetin for their hard work.

Kingfisher Primary School 2022 - 2023

A huge thank you to our families for their generous donations which were gratefully received by the Lord's Larder.

On Friday 7th October Kingfisher turned yellow for World Mental Health Day. Thank you to the families who donated with all money going to @YoundMindsUK

Performing on stage with Yeovil Ukulele Club at the "Yeovil Celebrates the Queens Jubilee" event

Beattie had a lovely weekend out and about scanning cards.

Kingfisher children, parents and staff have been busy scanning their cards for Beat the Street. Well done everyone, keep up the good work.

International Dance Day

Bike and roll to school day

No Pens Day - 24 Nov 2021. Pupils had a day of learning without once using a pencil. Lots of fun had by all.

Anti-bullying Week 15-19 Nov. Odd socks were worn by staff, pupils, parents and PETS to recognise that it ok to be different. A week full of of learning and fun.

Our Early Years and Reception class and staff were officially awarded their SASP Early Years Physical Activity Award today by Stu Kennard at SASP.

Remembrance 11.11.21

Pete the Poet returns! All classes from Reception through to Y5 had a great time, engaging their imaginations, learning about equality and diversity and had fun!

Harvest 2021 - A huge amount of produce donated by our generous families; all of which was gratefully received by the Lord's Larder in Yeovil. Thanks to Rev. Ruth for leading our assembly.

All pupils participated in World Mental Health Day turning Kingfisher yellow for the day. We raised over £270 for Young Minds.

Pupils in Y4 worked with artisit, Darrell Wakelam, and created this incredible art to celebrate Black History Month. This wonderful artwork was created by the children.

September 2021 saw a return to 'normal' schooling with children being able to mix with other age groups and be altogether in the same room. We took this opportunity to start whole school assemblies and singing practice. Our pupils returned very positively in the first few weeks of term. Below are a selection of photo showing some of the pupils' achievements and activities.

Kingfisher Primary School 2020 - 2021

The 2020-2021 academic year was very challenging due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. However, it didn't stop us from enriching our curriculum to ensure our pupils learned about a wider range of engaging topics.

KS1 Sports Day in more glorious sunshine!

Two pupils from Y4 were invited by Yeovil’s Mayor to the 100 year anniversary of the town’s war memorial this morning. They laid a posy of flowers to remember this who lost their lives during WW1 and WW2.

Olympian and international rugby union star, Sam Cross, was kind enough to let all of our pupils hold his Olympic silver medal during his visit today. Special thank you to Sam Cross and Persimmon Homes for organising.

KS2 Sports Day in the sunshine!

We are very proud that one of our pupils was recognised by Brymptom Parish Council with their annual school award. Evie raised £280 during lockdown for Yeovil Hospital Charity by making and selling key rings.

History Day - 18.06.21 - The focus of the day was The Royal Family (past and present). The day ended with a socially-distance tea party outside.

Easter Bonnet competition winners and parade.

All classes enjoyed their VR workshop today where they deepened their understanding of current and past topics.

Year 2 pupils had great fun creating artwork based on the wonderful story The Day The Crayons Quit by the super talented Drew Daywalt and illustrated by the amazingly awesome Oliver Jeffers. Huge thanks to Darrell Wakelam for his amazing creativity and direction!

Sharandys Bird of Prey brought these four beautiful owls into school today. All children from our Little Kingfishers to Y4 thoroughly enjoyed their display.

Christmas 2020

Our first inter-house Cross Country competition was a big hit!

Pupils in Y4 worked with Darrell Wakelam to create a fantastic display to showcase our new houses. Nov 2020

Kingfisher Remembers - Nov 2020

Children at school enjoyed a skipping workshop today with @lizskip . As you can see, the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The school have purchased each child their own rope to continue skipping both at school and at home!

Our children found out today which of our new four houses they are in. Our houses are: Sea King, Lynx, Wessex & Apache. Helicopters play an important role within our local community and it’s important for our pupils to understand that.

Year 3 Family Learning with artist, Darrell Wakelam.

Our Star of the Week winners and Kindness Cup winner

Harvest - 2020

Pete The Poet - October 2020


On Monday Andy and Tom from Rocktapus came to visit us and they worked with the children to create a school 'rock' song. It was based around the school values and motto and the children gave ideas for the lyrics. It was amazing and we all couldn't stop singing it for the rest of the day!

Kingfisher's Got Talent 2020

Kingfisher’s Got Talent was a huge success!  Well done to everyone who took part, especially to the winner Oliver Finch who dazzled us with his guitar playing. We hope you enjoy browsing through the photos below.


Africa Day

At Kingfisher we have recently celebrated 'Africa day' where the children spent the day dressed in colours from the African flags. It was lovely to see so many bright colours, some children even wore traditional African dress! The day started with a slide show and talk from Western Gazette photographer Len Copland, who recently visited Africa and took some amazing photos of animals in their natural habitat. This was followed by mask making, necklace making, food tasting and even some African dancing! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the African themed day.

Kingfisher Carol Concert

Thank you to everyone who came and supported our Christmas carol concert. All of the children sang beautifully and I'm sure you'll agree that it was a fantastic performance and all the children should be very proud of themselves.  

Helicopter visit

On Tuesday 10th December we were very excited to have a helicopter land on the school field! Inside were two elves who had come to collect the children's letters for Father Christmas. It was very exciting!

Archive 2018/2019 Photos


Harold the Giraffe

We are thrilled to see Harold the Giraffe up in the stairwell. It is amazing to see how big giraffes are compared to ourselves! We can also feel proud that we all helped to make this amazing piece of artwork with Daryl.

Football Activities

Kingfisher Year 2 children and Preston Primary Year 2 children recently enjoyed an afternoon of Football activities. 6 different activities took place including matches and passing skills. The afternoon encouraged team play and sportsmanship and was well supported by parents from both schools.

Hoop Ball Tournament

The children from Year 1 joined forces with Year 1 children from Preston Primary recently for a Hoop Ball tournament. The children were split into mixed teams and enjoyed a fun and exciting afternoon playing in a number of matches, resulting in a Final. Thank you to parents from both schools for coming along and supporting the event.

Giant Giraffe Sculpture

At the start of the Summer Term, we had a visit from a fantastic artist called Darrell. Darrell works with lots of materials to create sculptures. He helped us make a beautiful giraffe for the school. It was quite tricky and very sticky but great fun to all work as a team. Each class had a session in which they contributed their part to the sculpture and the result was amazing.

Easter Bonnets

Thank you very much for all of your efforts with the fabulous Easter Bonnets. The children all looked amazing!

Science Discovery Week

As part of Science Discovery week, we had a great day taking part in lots of different science experiments. We all split into 6 different groups and made our way around 6 amazing activities. We made dancing worms with Mrs January, it was great to see them come to life. With Mrs Francis, we made giant bubbles that were nearly as big as us! Mr Green let us use some microscopes to look at everyday things 1000x closer. It was great fun. We made Marshmallow towers with Mrs Haigh, lilies with Mrs Kerrigan and planted sunflowers with Mrs Denman. It was a fantastic day!

New Play Equipment

All of the children are thoroughly enjoying the new play equipment that was fitted during the February half term.

Willow Classroom

We were very lucky to have a visit from Stefan this term. He came to the school to talk to us about Willow and how we can use it to make a living structure. Through the sun, wind and rain, we worked as a team to create an amazing Willow Dome.

Yeovil Town Football Training
Over the next few weeks, children at Kingfisher will have the opportunity to train with members of Yeovil Town Football Club. The children will be practising lots of different skills and learning what it takes to follow their dreams to become football stars. 
Our New Nurture Room
We are very luck to have a new Nurture Room here at Kingfisher. In this room, we run small groups where we talk about how the children can learn and grow emotionally, culturally and spiritually. It is a fantastic safe space in which the children feel safe to share their thoughts. This is something we really value at Kingfisher. 

PTA School Disco


Thank you to the PTA for organising the recent school disco - the children really enjoyed it.

Kingfisher Choir sing for the Bishop
Kingfisher Choir were very lucky to be invited to Preston Primary School to sing for Bishop Peter on his recent visit. The children thoroughly enjoyed meeting the Bishop, who was very impressed with their beautiful singing.

Our school playground - looking very pretty on a snowy morning

Special Visitor 

The children were lucky enough to have a very special visitor this afternoon (Friday 21st December) Father Christmas arrived in a police car!

The Adam Stansfield Foundation

The school have recently been donated a selection of sports equipment from The Adam Stansfield Foundation. Adam, who played for Yeovil Town FC very sadly passed away in August 2010 from Bowel Cancer. The Trust was set up in his memory to promote community participation in healthy recreation for the benefit of children. Mr Bourne, our Sports Coach put the equipment to good use this week and Mallard class were the first to try it out!

The children had a wonderful morning out watching the pantomime Aladdin at the Octagon Theatre.

Decorating the Kingfisher Christmas Tree

Centenary Commemorative Celebrations for the end of World War 1
