DT Purpose of study
Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. Pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation.
Source: National Curriculum, 2014
At Kingfisher Primary School, we understand that the knowledge and skills of design and technology are, and will continue to be, an essential part of our children’s lives. A high-quality DT education should be inspiring, rigorous and practical and promote creativity and imagination. It should equip pupils with the knowledge and skills needed to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considers their own and others’ needs, wants and values and draws on a range of disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. Through the study and evaluation of past and present design and technology, pupils will develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. High-quality DT education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation.
Making it our own
All projects are created with the children at the forefront. Teachers look at what the children enjoy and the learning that has been taking place in the classroom. We use the National Curriculum and our keen knowledge of learning to plan projects that engage and link to other topics. This allows the children to make meaningful links across curriculum topics and cement knowledge at a deeper level.
There are also strong links with PSHE and the inclusion of teamwork and communication skills within the subject. This is an aspect of DT that is emphasised and encouraged.
What this looks like
At Kingfisher, we place significant emphasis on the Design, Make, and Evaluate process.
During each half term, classes across the Key Stages undertake new Design and Technology (DT) projects. Initially, they engage in the design stage, wherein children conduct research on existing products and develop a series of designs. As students progress through the school, we encourage the use of terminology such as 'Design Brief' and 'Success Criteria' to facilitate structured planning against predefined standards.
Subsequently, students utilise a variety of skills and mediums to bring their projects to fruition. Throughout this process, there is ample opportunity for adjustments and refinements.
Upon completion, students evaluate their products against predetermined success criteria and offer suggestions for enhancements. This phase also serves as an excellent opportunity for peer assessment.
Engaging the community
Children from Key Stage 2 worked with one of our Governors, Mrs Gray, who is also a professional baker. Mrs Gray worked with children from both Kingfisher and Hambridge School to create some amazing cakes over two separate afternoons. The children got to practise their baking skills in the first session and complete some amazing decorating skills in the second. It was fantastic to work across the trust and with an expert from the local community.
Samples of work
The children love creating the different projects and the design and discussion part is equally important. This is where the children research, design and plan their final pieces.
Tracking and Assessment
At Kingfisher Primary School, Design and Technology (DT) is carefully monitored and documented through a systematic approach. This includes sequential planning, where learning objectives are outlined and progress is recorded in DT workbooks, such as planning documents and written evaluations. Additionally, photographs capturing the application of skills and the final products serve as visual evidence of student achievement.
The success criteria for assessing students' progress in DT are derived from statements outlined in the National Curriculum and Early Learning Goals. These benchmarks provide a comprehensive framework against which children's achievements are evaluated at the culmination of relevant stages.
Parents and caregivers are kept informed of their children's progress in DT through annual school reports, which include updates on their achievements and areas for further development in this subject area. This transparent reporting mechanism ensures effective communication and collaboration between the school and the home environment, promoting a holistic approach to student learning and development.
Our goal at Kingfisher Primary School is to cultivate the creative and adept problem-solving abilities of all students, enabling them to comprehend, utilise, and adapt to the diverse realm of design and technology that shapes their lives and the broader global landscape. By providing purposeful learning experiences rooted in independence and collaboration, complemented by the hands-on nature of Design and Technology (DT), we empower students to assume ownership of their learning journey and witness their own growth and accomplishments first hand. Similar to other subjects, teachers tailor lessons as needed to accommodate the varying needs and proficiency levels of students within their classes. The structured progression of knowledge and skills at each grade level ensures gradual development and aligns with students' individual learning pace and levels of challenge.
Student voice
“I like sewing and making my own pencil cases. I now find sewing easy.” – Mikolaj, Year 3.
“I like DT because I can practise my skills at home and then it becomes easy for me.”- Maya, Year 3.
“I like making my pencil cases, but it is hard.” – Kuba, Year 3.
- Gracey Y5- ‘I enjoy learning new things like sewing our pillows at the moment in our DT lessons.’
- Holly Y5 ‘I like DT because you get to design things, do a design brief and if you make a mistake when you are making something, you can always change it.
- Mia Y5 ‘I like how fun it is to make protoypes out of things like paper.’
Using DT to enrich our environment
As well as learning new skills in a range of materials to create fantastic projects and products, the children have really enjoyed turning their hands to creating some fantastic art pieces around the school. They have had to work with a range of different materials and techniques to fasten and attach paper and card to create some outstanding 3D art.
Links with English
For this project, the Year 4 children were tasked with designing and writing an original story for children aged 6-8. It had to be a Christmas story and have moving pages. The whole construction of a book from start to finish was a great eye opener for the pupils.
Baking skills
The children are always a big fan of cooking at school. This year, the School Council organised a Bake Sale to help raise money for the RSPB. The children we given a design brief of making a cake with either a fruit or vegetable in and a sporting theme, Some went for all three!