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Y4 - Hedgehogs

Hedgehog Class 

Hedgehog Class is taught by Miss Kitto with Miss Wolny, Mrs Streetin and Mrs Williams as the Learning Support Assistants. Other staff members working with the class include Mr Frisby for Music on a Wednesday and Mr Bourne for PE on a Friday.

Updates throughout the year can be found on both this Class Page and on our School Twitter page. Below you will find a gallery of all the exciting learning activities that have taken place in Hedgehog Class this year.

Augustus and his smile - Acting out our book of the week!

Olive tasting for our DT Bread

LEGO - Why is Lego the best toy in the world? Our amazing English this week!

Rock up and Read - Thank you to all!

Geography - Greece - Digital mapping and research

Christmas jumper Day 2024!

EGGcellent egg investigation - Observing the affects of different liquids on our teeth.

DT - Moving mechanism Christmas!

Outdoor learning - Creating our own natural character

Outdoor learning - collecting on our woodland adventure.

Planning our Podcasts!

Children in need!

Outdoor learning - the digestive system!

Publishing our poetry for Remembrance day!

Rock up and Read! Didn't catch you all but THANK YOU!

Podcast planning!

Outdoor learning - Peasants Pudding

Harry Potter and Hedgehogs magical potions!

Drama and Dance Diwali workshop!

Super times tables - Gone Green edition!

Our wonderful clay creations!

'When I grow up I want to be' Careers day 2024!

Curious coding - Computing

Performing poetry!

Hamza's Wild World book launch with Waterstones!
