Kingfisher Primary School has a Planned Admission Number of 30 for the year of entry and places will be allocated up to this number.
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
Starting school for the first time
Somerset Local Authority is responsible for co-ordinating all first admission applications (starting school). For more information on how and when you should apply, please click on the links below or visit Somerset Council website. This sets out the primary admission application process and a range of information about all schools and academies in Somerset. School place applications can be made online at
Parents are responsible for ensuring they make a school place application by the closing date which is 15 January each year.
If you require anymore information, please contact the Admissions and Entitlements Team, County Hall, Taunton, Somerset TA1 4DY email.
The LA’s admission policy is to admit children to school in the academic year they become five. If a child has a disability they will be treated no less favourably than other children. Our accessibility plan describes the arrangements we have already made and the further proposals planned to improve physical access to the school, access to the curriculum and access to written information. We will make reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils to ensure that they are able to access the curriculum and we will know we have succeeded when disabled students are participating fully in school life. Every effort is made to make a place for your child in our school.
Admissions during the academic year
Applications during the academic year must be submitted directly to the school using the in-year application form available either from the school or via the attachment further down this page. A decision will be notified in writing by email to the applicant within ten school days.
Where a place cannot be provided, the right of appeal will apply. Proof of address is required to be submitted with the application. This will be either the formal ‘exchange of contracts’ letter from the solicitor for a house buy, a recent utility bill or the signing of a minimum of a six month tenancy agreement. The Admissions Authority reserve the right to seek further documentary evidence to support a claim of residence.
Where there are more applications than places available within a particular year group, applications will be considered against the published oversubscription criteria and places allocated up to the Admission Number.
If you are unsuccessful in gaining a school place you have the right to put your case to an Admissions Appeal Panel.