Minnow Class is taught by Miss Jackson and is supported by Mrs Worley, Mrs Francis, Mrs Alexander and Mrs Ostridge. Other adults who work in the class are Mr Frisby (teaching music on a Wednesday) and Mr Bourne (teaching PE on a Monday).
Below you will find a gallery of all the exciting learning activities that have taken place in Minnow class this year.
Our First Weeks at School
All of the children in Minnow Class have settled beautifully into school. Over the first couple of weeks the children have spent time getting to know us and each other. We have spent lots of time both inside and outside and have enjoyed taking part in our PE and Music sessions. We have also talk lots about ourselves and our families as part of our All About Me topic.
European Day of Languages
We had a great time celebrating European Day of Languages and learning all about France. We learnt how to say hello in French, learnt how to sing Frere Jacques and made our own French flags. We then went down to the hall and enjoyed trying a selection of French food including brie, baguettes and crepes.
Outdoor Learning
In outdoor learning this half term we have been exploring different natural materials and using them to make art. The first week we had a go at using them to create faces outside and then next we used playdough and natural materials to make a face.
Careers Day
The children really enjoyed careers day. We talked lots about all of the different jobs they could do when they are older and then they enjoyed trying a few out in the classroom.
As part of our Halloween topic the children had lots of fun getting messy and exploring pumpkins. They were exploring the seeds and the flesh using different tools and materials as well as developing their fine motor skills by hammering golf tees into the skin.
Diwali Drama Workshop
In the last week of half term we took part in a Diwali drama workshop. The children enjoyed learning all about the festival and where it originated from and then had great fun acting out the story that goes along with it.
Rock Up and Read
It was lovely to see so many parents attend Minnow's first rock up and read session. All of the children had a lovely time sharing books with their families, friends or teachers.
Fun in the Snow
The children had a wonderful time playing in the snow. They enjoyed trying to catch the snowflakes, exploring the ice, making footprints and making snowballs. They then all went out on the playground to play with the rest of year one and two.
Festive Fun!
The children all had a great time getting into the Christmas spirt by decorating our class Christmas tree. They all enjoyed putting on the baubles and dancing with the tinsel. They then finished off the afternoon with a bit of festive dancing.
Nativity Play
I was really proud of all of the children for their performances in our Nativity play. Even those who were unfortunately poorly on the day did an amazing job during the rest of our rehearsals. The children sung their hearts out and really gave it their all up on stage.
Christingle Making
The children enjoyed having Reverend Sarah come into school and make Christingles with them. She taught them all about the different parts of a Christingle and what they mean to Christians. They then took their Christingles to a special assembly in the afternoon where we lit some of them at the front of the hall and sang some carols.
Mosaic Workshop
The children really enjoyed having the opportunity to take part in the mosaic workshop. Every child placed some pieces of mosaic into the schools new welcome sign.