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Kingfisher Primary School is a member of Preston Primary Academy Trust.

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Making faces with Autumn objects...

The children have been using natural Autumn objects to make the shape and features of faces. They have been encouraged to use their imaginations, be creative and independent. Well done Minnows! Great creative work!

The next step on in the children's outdoor Art work on creating faces was using vegetables to make faces. The children have been very imaginative, chosen great shapes for facial features and been very proud of their creations. Well done Minnows. 

Learning to light fires safely with a flint and steel...

Wow! What a challenge today Minnows. You persevered really well lighting mini fires with the flint and steel. You have learnt how to be safe around fire and how to start little fires the traditional way without matches. Well done. 

Nature treasure hunt...

What a lovely session today Minnows. You really did seem to love walking around our grounds finding things. You used you treasure hunt charts well, took turns, used your observational skills and really enjoyed exploring nature. Well done!

Andy Goldsworthy inspired Art

We have been learning about an Artist named Andy Goldsworthy who creates Art using nature. The children have been using natural objects to create pieces of art work in this style. What beautiful work they created!

Carousel of activities this term... making fairy houses, making lavender pouches and looking after our new garden.
