Welcome to Swan Class
Swan Class is taught by Miss Hegarty with Mrs Green as the Learning Support Assistant. Other staff members working with the class include Mr Frisby for Music on a Tuesday and Mr Bourne for PE on a Friday.
Updates throughout the year can be found on both this Class Page and on our School Twitter page. Below you will find a gallery of all the exciting learning activities that have taken place in Swan Class this year.
For this weeks PSHCE lesson, continuing our theme on examining risks, we studied Emma’s diary. This was based around risks and peer pressure from others. Once we had discussed the diary entry, and examined the risks taken and why, we rewrote the diary considering what Emma should have done instead.
This week in science, we did some practical work. Using a basketball to represent the size of the Earth and a tennis ball to represent the size of the moon, we explored how far away from each other they actually are. After this, we created our own model of the universe and discussed the orbit of the planets around the sun.
This week, along with Year 6, we had a visit from the guide dogs. They told us about how guide dog puppies are trained and what they do for people who are visually impaired. They even brought a retired guide dog and a guide dog puppy along for us to meet and see in action.
Within our mapping unit this half term in geography, we examine topographical maps. We started looking at topographical maps of Yeovil discussing what the colours meant before exploring the rest of the world.
Computing this half term has seen us examine fact files. We started off looking how to group and sort paper fact files. After this, we looked at some examples on the computer and reviewed which was easier to sort out of the two. We sorted data using ‘and’ and ‘or’. Additionally, we looked at putting data into charts and discussed which chart was best for each thing before creating them on the iPads.
As part of our science work, this week, we looked at a famous scientist. We created posters on David Attenborough as well as reading information about him online and watching some of his famous shows such as Frozen Planet.
This week, we had a workshop led by Wessex Water. They spoke to us about how the water cycle worked as well as water quality and how to tell if water is safe to drink.
Over the past few weeks, we have been producing our own short films centred around a product for our computing lessons. We created a story board outlining what we wanted to say, then we filmed each piece and finally, we put it all together and looked at reshooting and editing. At the end of our project, we watched our completed videos.
This week, we had a visit from Fearne Animal Sanctuary. They told us all about the animals they look after and how they came to be in their care.
Today’s computing lesson saw us looking at camera angles. We tried out different camera angles and explored how they were different and how to create each one.
This week, we had a visit from the RNLI. They taught us how to stay safe in the water and about what the lifeboat service do. We even got to try on some of their uniform.
Today, we had visitors from Leonardos who did a Cool Aeronauts engineering day. The children completed planning booklets as well as making boats and rollercoasters in small groups.
To start our art unit this term, the children researched our focus artist: Hollie Chastain. They created a fact file all about her and her art using the laptops to research this.
Today, the children found out they had all been successful in being published poets. The children entered the Young Writers This Is Me competition with poetry they had written all about them. Upon their success, they each received a certificate, bookmark and a copy of the book which contains their published poem.
During Eco Day, the children researched an environmental issue and created posters or essays around the subject to submit for an eco competition. To finish off the day, they had a VR workshop. They found exploring environmental issues through a robotic story to be extremely exciting.
In computing this week, the children worked on their understanding of the keyboard and their finger placement. They practised this on BBC typemat.
Today, we made dens using outdoor material. The children built on their DT knowledge of structure and a frames to build mini or full sized dens.
As part of mental health day, we made calming bottles with Mrs Streetin and did some calming breathing. Additionally, we did some drama with Razmataz.
This week, we took a trip to a local pond. We discussed how it was a flood defence and why it was out there. The children split into groups and took turns using a fishing net to catch pond creatures. They then put it into an examination glass and identified it using a key. We then released the wildlife back into the pond.
To practise our DT skills, the children used hand drills and peelers to create their own decorations using outdoor materials. They each had a turn at peeling a stick and drilling a hole it it for thread to go through.
This week, we continued our work on Google Earth. We created our own routes from school to a school trip destination of our choice. We looked at different routes and examined how to follow street view.
This week, we examined printing and tie-dye using outdoor materials. We used a hammer to get out the natural dyes in flowers and leaves to create repeating patterns. Additionally, we tied small rocks and nuts in fabric to tie-dye them with blackberries.
For Languages Day, we all dressed in red, white and blue. We tried French food and learnt French songs. We examined the French colours, made a fact file about France and used the French dictionaries to find words to describe our food in French.
In computing this week, we worked out our TIOL unit examining how to use Google Earth. We completed a scavenger hunt and looked at the different features of the program.
During PSHCE, we made towers out of paper and tape. This was working on developing our team working and collaboration skills. Prizes were given out for the best team work and tallest tower.
As part of our outdoor learning, we studied key river vocabulary and created own rivers out of outdoor material.