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Kingfisher Primary School is a member of Preston Primary Academy Trust.

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Y5 - Swans

Shelton Mallet Prison

Westfield WOW Day

Science friction ramp experiment

Maths rainbow challenge

Pillow making

Burger making

Recycling workshop

Parachute making

Author workshop

Making clay pottery

Sign Language Week

As part of BSL sign language week, we participated in a 30 minute lesson on how to sign a variety of things. The children were very excited to show how they could sign their own names by the end! This was a great addition to the Makaton that we get to learn in school. 

Willow Stars

While on our trip, we all crafted willow stars. We did this by following instructions to bend damp willow into a star shape. After this, we tied it all together with string. 

Trip to the South West Heritage Trust

As part of our geography this term, we visited the South West Heritage Trust in Glastonbury. We learnt all about maps from the present day back hundred of years. We also explored the museum and completed a fact finding mission about the different displays they had on show. It was great to see some things from the Victorian era which we have previously looked at in history. The children had a great time! 

World Book Day

For World Book Day, we dressed up as fairy tale book characters and wrote a book review. The children also did some World Book Day maths creating their own graphs about books. Additionally, they read to their partners and some parents even came in to hear the children read. 

Reading In Year Two

To celebrate World Book Day, the children went down to year two to hear some of the children read. The children also read some of their books to the younger children. At the end of the session, the children were able to choose a library book and have a chance to read this together.

Safer Internet Day

This week, we celebrated Safer Internet Day. Our Digital Leaders went around and led sessions around the school. Similarly, they led a session in our class called Alphanet. During this activity, we had to think about positive things related to the internet. We also did activities such as e-safety related drama and an emotive diary entry entry in English. 

Geography Mapping

For our geography this term, the children are looking at mapping. They used the laptops to investigate topographical maps of the local area. 


As part of computing this week, looking at Scratch and Roman Numerals, the children investigated manipulating different blocks to achieve different outcomes and what a variable was. 


As part of our PHSE, we had a visit from SCARF this week. The workshop leader gave a talk around drugs, and the children watched some educational videos. 

Geography Compass Work

In geography this week, we were studying compass directions. After examining the compass and where different countries are based on compass directions, the children completed a compass maze. 

Christmas Activities

To celebrate Christmas, we made Christmas cards, 3D Christmas trees out of yarn and some wooden baubles. To finish off the day, we had a Christmas party complete with dancing, games and a visit from Santa. 

Victorian School Visit

As part of our history work on the Victorians, we had a visit from the South West Heritage Trust. To start our morning, we pretended we were in a Victorian school and the children experienced what this was like. Following this, the children examined some Victorian artefacts and completed some Victorian activities. 

Making Bottle Rockets

Our DT this term was making bottle rockets. After following the design process, we made our rockets and launched them. Finally, we gave out prizes for the best looking rocket and the one that travelled the most distance before evaluating our work. 

Using Google Earth

In computing this week, we made our way from Kingfisher to Asda using Google Earth. We also looked at all the different features Google Earth has to offer. 

Poetry success

As part of National Poetry Day, we wrote poems and entered them in the Young Writers competition. This week, we found out that all of our poems are going to be published in their poetry book! 

Cool Aeronautics

This week, we had a visit from Leonardo’s who hosted a day of cool aeronautics. After bringing in some recycling, we were introduced to the activities we would do. The first activity was making a balloon powered car. We split into teams and looked at some different designs that had been made before. After this, we created a plan for our cars in teams. We later used these to create a balloon powered car and tested how far these travelled. We discussed the forces that were acting on the car and how this would impact the distance they travelled. Our second activity was to make a bridge for our car to travel across. We repeated the same design process before starting to make our own bridges. A key discussion point here was how to reinforce the structure of the bridge and to make sure to test them throughout the making process to make improvements. When we were ready, we tested whether our bridges would hold our car and how much weight they could hold before collapsing. Finally, we discussed the improvements we could have made to our designs and had the opportunity to ask some questions to people in the engineering industry which included a pilot!

Anti-Bullying Week

To raise awareness for Anti-Bullying Week, we have worn our odd socks to celebrate differences. We have also done a reading comprehension to increase our understanding of what bullying is and what we should do to stop it. In addition to this, we wrote some 'If' poetry using rhyming couplets based on this theme. To celebrate International Kindness Day, which also took place this week, we have had two targets a day to complete to make us feel happy. 

Remembrance Day

For Remembrance day, Year Five have been learning the poem Flanders Fields to perform in the remembrance service. We have also painted poppies in red, purple, black and white to remember the lives lost in war for our remembrance display. In our writing this week, we discussed World War Two and wrote a diary entry from the perspective of an evacuee. In this lesson, we discuss rationing, air raid, evacuation and what it would have been like to live during those times. Some children shared stories of what their family members had experienced during the war. 

Science Activities

In science this week, we completed an investigation into the solar system and its planets. We reviewed our previous learning of the model of the solar system and discussed the fact that the sun was in the centre. We cut out planets and used fact cards to identify each planet using its size and appearance. After this, we ordered the planets as they appear in the solar system. We discussed how long it took each planet to orbit the sun. To conclude our lesson, we reviewed the key facts of each planet and discussed mnemonics to remember their order. 

School Councillors

This week, we voted for our new school councillors. We are sure they will do an amazing job representing the class.

Treasure Island

In our writing this week, we created our own treasure island story and tea stained a treasure map to match. 

International Day of Languages

To celebrate International Languages Day, we created posters about France, made our own French flags, reviewed common French conversation and ate a selection of traditional French foods. 
