Otter Class is taught by Miss Broadribb and is supported by Miss Wolny. Other adults who work in the class are Mr Frisby (teaching music on a Wednesday) and Mr Bourne (teaching PE on a Friday).
Below you will find a gallery of all the exciting learning and activities that have taken place in Otter Class this year.
Commonwealth Games Day
Otter Class loved representing different countries from around the Commonwealth for Commonwealth Games Day. The children showed great maturity and brilliant sportsmanship as they competed in the events of the day. A brilliant day had by all. Thank you Miss Jones for organising such a fabulous day!
Investigating Shadows- Science!
As part of our science this year, we have enjoyed exploring light and shadows. Here Otter Class can be seen enjoying making and experimenting with their own shadow puppets. The children loved noticing how the light could travel through the puppet when there was no material blocking the light (adding in their eye holes)!
The Platinum Jubilee
Otter Class have done lots of lovely activities surrounding the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in celebration of her brilliant 70 year reign. Over the past two weeks, the children have enjoyed researching all about Queen Elizabeth II and creating a fact file on her; making their own jubilee bookmarks to commemorate the occasion; making a paper plate crown and enjoying a street party on the playground and games on the field. The children all looked brilliant dressed in red, white and blue too. Thank you to our fabulous PTA for organising the games, street party and ice-cream which were enjoyed by all. The children also wrote some fabulous letters to the Queen as part of their homework over the half-term break too. What a brilliant way to remember and celebrate such an important occasion in history!
Viking Longboats
As part of our DT and History topic this term, Otter Class loved designing and making their own longboats and thinking carefully about how they were joining items together to make them realistic. The children worked hard building their longboats and following the steps to creating them. Well done, Otter Class!
Layers of Soil
The children loved learning about the layers of soil today and recreating them using edible ingredients. The layers in their cups each represented a layer of the soil.
Bedrock- crushed bourbons and digestives
Subsoil - chocolate mousse
Top soil - raisins, cocopops and chocolate chips
Organic matter- desiccated coconut and a gummy worm!
A great afternoon with lots of mess!
A Terrific Tennis Session!
Otter Class loved engaging in their tennis session this week and developing their tennis skills. It was lovely to see the children building in confidence using the rackets and improving their hand-eye-coordination when hitting the ball to their partners.
Investigating Rock Types
As part of our science unit, Otter Class had a great time investigating and classifying rocks this afternoon based on their properties. The children were investigating how durable the rock was, whether it was permeable and how dense it was. The children worked brilliantly and showed great maturity in their groups.
Geography Day
Otter Class thoroughly enjoyed learning all about Asia for Geography Day. They enjoyed creating fact files and researching about different countries within Asia, developing their map work and singing the continent song throughout the day. The children also loved doing the orienteering activity in the afternoon which was organised by Miss Jones.
International Day of Dance
The children absolutely loved their workshop with the talented Kerri Hill as they learnt some new Rock n' Roll moves today. It was lovely watching the children be so engaged in the activities and seeing them persevere with coordinating new moves! The children's finishing poses were very entertaining too. Even Miss Broadribb and Miss Wolny enjoyed the dancing!
Clive Pig- Beowulf Performance
Otter Class were fortunate enough to have the very talented Clive Pig come into the hall with all of his props to perform his own version of the Viking fable Beowulf. The children were captivated by his performance, laughing constantly, and were reassured by the fact that it was not based on a true story at the end!
Careful Collaging
Otter Class enjoyed developing their collaging skills this term when making their Mother's Day collaged cupcake holders. The children loved practising their overlapping skills and experimenting with different textured and patterned papers, using rips and cutting for effect. Excellent concentration and lovely drawing Otter Class. The children were incredibly proud of their final creations and persevered well through the fiddly parts!
The Animal Man
Otter Class absolutely loved their visit from the Animal Man and meeting all the different animals which he had to offer. Although apprehensive at times, the children pushed themselves outside of their comfort zone when petting and holding some of the animals including a python and an animal which looked like a hedgehog, but was actually a member of the elephant family! It was a lovely session and it's always great to learn about different animals- the children asked some brilliant questions.
Science Investigations - Plants
Otter Class have loved investigating plants this year and learning about how they grow and the different parts they have. This term, the children have loved setting up experiments to see where the plants would grow best, and suggesting reasons for their findings. The children also enjoyed setting up an investigation to see how the water is transported through plants using celery and food dye.
Chance 2 Shine Cricket Sessions
This year, we have been incredibly lucky to have Chance 2 Shine offering some cricket sessions with all classes during the Spring and Summer Term. Otter Class loved improving their cricket skills and learning how to use and treat the equipment properly and with respect.
Engaging in Debate- Safer Internet Day
Otter Class enjoyed discussing the different reasons for staying safe online before debating the statement of whether children should be allowed to use the internet or not. It was brilliant to see the children engaging respectfully in the debate and thinking carefully about the arguments they were creating. Well done, Otter Class!
Superhero Day
Otter Class had a great day dressed as superheroes for Comic Relief. It was lovely to see all of their brilliant costumes and hear their excellent reasons for their different outfits. A great day had by all.
Break the Rules Day
As part of fundraising for the PTA, the children loved breaking the rules for the day and paying for the rules they had broken! It was great to see some crazy hair styles, bright clothing and the children enjoying themselves throughout the day.
Stephen Pass- Author Virtual Workshop
Otter Class were incredibly lucky to have a brilliant workshop with the talented Stephen Pass, author of Madge the Mermaid. The children loved asking him questions, practising their short hand and dancing along to the story. A great afternoon was had by all and even the teachers joined in with the dancing!
Telling the Time
Otter Class have worked incredibly hard on telling the time this term and are becoming increasingly accurate with telling the time to the nearest minute. The children can confidently move the minute and hour hands to represent different times and enjoyed sharing their clocks.
Chinese New Year
Otter Class enjoyed learning all about Chinese New Year today and particularly enjoyed completing their Zodiac wheels. As an extra challenge, the children were asked to work out the Zodiac Year that Mr Glentworth was born in and predicted what Year it would be in 2040! Excellent work again, Otters!
Investigating Reflections
As part of our light topic, the children have been learning about how light travels in straight lines and can be reflected or scattered. The children enjoyed observing how the reflection was flipped in the mirror and trying to complete their mirror challenges on the playground. It was lovely to see the children building their resilience and perseverance if they found the task challenging.
Discussing Poems
Otter Class have loved exploring and writing their own poems this year. Today, the children enjoyed sharing their thoughts on different Spring poems and could identify the features included within them. It was brilliant to see how quickly the children could spot repetition and rhyming within the poem!
Problem Solving Day
Otter Class had a great time solving problems today for Problem Solving Day. They loved approaching their maths in different ways in their pairings and showed great resilience when using trial and error to try and find a solution. Well done, Otter Class!
World Book Day!
Otter Class absolutely loved World Book Day and looked fabulous in their costumes! It was lovely to attend an assembly this morning with the incredibly talented author Tamsin Cooke and all children were captivated by her talk and inspired to write their own stories afterwards. It was lovely to see Otter Class enjoying reading and looking at different books in the library and excited by all the books in the book fair too! A brilliant day had by all- the children loved that Miss Broadribb and Mrs January were dressed as Mrs Silver and Alfie from Esio-trot after our book focus this week.
Measuring Mass
Otter Class enjoyed improving their knowledge of mass today. They worked hard when estimating the mass of their items and then enjoyed improving their accuracy when measuring using scales. Great investigating, Otter Class!
Improving Our Writing in Otter Class
This week, in Otter Class, we have been challenging ourselves to 'be the best we can be' in all that we do and have been looking at how we can suggest improvements for our writing. It was lovely to see the children so focused and supportive of each other's work and to see them self-correcting their spellings and generally amazing themselves with their improved writing. Well done, Otter Class!
Investigating Reflective Materials
As part of our Light unit this year, Otter Class have enjoyed learning all about different materials and investigating whether they were transparent, translucent or opaque. The children demonstrated some brilliant team work too!
Rail Safety Visit
After learning how to stay safe on the roads a couple of weeks ago, Otter Class were thrilled to learn how to stay safe near the rail lines. Again, the children asked lots of excellent questions.
Developing Place Value
Otter Class enjoyed developing their knowledge of place value in class today and investigating patterns with their partners! It was brilliant to see their teamwork and to see them developing their resilience. Well done, Otter Class.
Road Safety Visit
Otter Class were fortunate enough to learn all about Road Safety today and the importance of keeping themselves safe when crossing the roads or riding their bikes. The children listened wonderfully and asked some brilliant questions.
Coram Life Education - Meet the Brain
Otter Class have had a brilliant start to the Spring Term with their session with Coram Life Education today. The children loved learning about the brain, identifying things to support their mental wellbeing, and looking at the inside of the human body. The children also enjoyed helping Harold with identifying helpful and harmful things for the body and encouraging him to be a better friend. Well done, Otter Class!
Christmas DT Boxes
As part of our DT this term, Otter Class enjoyed researching and making their Christmas DT boxes. The children engaged actively in every step of the process and made some fantastic Christmas boxes to hold their delicious mince pies!
Space Dome
The children were all incredibly excited to be transported to Space in the Space Dome. The children loved learning about the planets within our solar system and marvelling at the stars. A lovely experience had by all!
Solving Problems Involving Money
Otter Class did a brilliant job when working collaboratively to solve some money problems this morning. The children enjoyed looking at all the different coin uses for amounts and problem solving when they had limited coins available. It was brilliant to see their perseverance and resilience! Well done, Otter Class.
No Pens Day
In Year 3, we really enjoyed our activities for No Pens Day and particularly enjoyed improving our mental maths and practising with money. We also enjoyed reading our persuasive letters aloud to the rest of the class, ensuring we were clear, well paced and could be heard by all. In the afternoon, the children loved learning ukulele with Mr Frisby before PE. A great day had by all.
Remembrance 2021
As part of remembrance, Year 3 worked incredibly hard when making some mosaic poppies and thinking about all those who have fought for our country. The children each created their own mosaic poppy which was attached to the school gate with pride and stood brilliantly for the 2 minute silence. Well done, Otters!
Celebrating Women in History Day
For Women in History Day, Otter Class spent the day learning about the life of the inspirational Mary Anning. The children loved learning all about her life and created some fabulous posters and drawings of her discoveries! They loved the fact that Mary Anning was from Lyme Regis- just down the road- and still found all her curiosities (fossils)!
Noodles Ice Cream Visit
Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their ice-creams when the Noodles Ice Cream Van came for a visit. Each child and member of staff were given a large cone of soft whipped ice-cream to enjoy- they were delicious!
Parliament Week - Forces for Change
Otter Class were forces for change this week when looking at the Houses of Parliament. The children enjoyed taking a virtual tour of the Houses of Parliament, learning about our Government and thinking about the ways to bring about change in our community. Otter Class worked hard when creating a whole-class petition to help save on water waste and came up with lots of useful tips as well! If you would like to support us, please sign the petition below too.
Family Learning - Brazilian Bird Masks
Otter Class and families were fortunate enough to have a session with the incredibly talented Darrell Wakelam. The children really enjoyed being creative with the recycled materials, working collaboratively with their adults and exploring different colours and textures. The final products all looked fantastic- well done everyone!
Pete the Poet
Otter Class had a fabulous time with Pete the Poet when exploring diversity. They loved interacting with the different toys and celebrating how we are all unique and different. The class particularly enjoyed going on a 'Magic Carpet' ride and sharing ideas when creating a poem about a magical toy store.
Balancing and Sequencing in PE
Otter Class really enjoyed improving their balance and co-ordination during this PE lesson. It was amazing to see the children's use of teamwork and communication when creating their sequences and I was particularly impressed by their creativity! Well done, Otter Class!
Otter Class loved acting out a scene from the BFG today! They thought carefully about their characters, spoke clearly and performed brilliantly in front of each other. A brilliant start to Year 3.
Languages Day
For European Day of Languages, Otter Class enjoyed improving their understanding of France and the French language. The children enjoyed solving problems in Maths using their French numbers, learning different greetings, and especially enjoyed trying some French food with Year 2 in the afternoon.
Romulus and Remus
Otter Class did an amazing job when acting out the story of Romulus and Remus in small groups this week. The children showed great maturity when working collaboratively and they could all explain how Rome got given its name. Well done, Otter Class!